could you PM me?
Anyone play World of Warcraft?
no what? no no one plays?
or no you wont pm me...
or no you wont pm me and you dont play...
i hate you leaf...
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Formerly known as Peppers90
back in the 808Comment
Used to. Haven't played in a very long time.
Fuck that time sink.Comment
I do bro. Me and eb1920 raid together bro. You should come play on our server if you play ranged bro.Comment
Also it's slow as shit so raiding... is out of the picture, and I play a pally (ret)
I havent played in awhile though almost like 7 months, check out... Dexblader on Ursin on the armory that is my main... Fully raid buffed with procs @ 70 I was hitting like 3200 AP crushing fools... I havent played WoTLK yet... I want to lvl a hunter up though so when I get back from this deployment I can raid on him and play a ranged DPS class for once...
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Formerly known as Peppers90
back in the 808Comment
yeah, that was around the time I quit as well. My guild was like the 30th or so guild to down illidan in the world.
Farmed him for god knows how long then realized the game was a time sink and decided to stop playing.
Sad too, I have like 5 70's sitting on a dormant account. haha.Comment
Originally posted by eb1920lol. that's funny. I started off as a pally on Ursin pre BC and eventually abandoned him because of the ganking and camping.
I'll try and get started on that stuff tomorrow. Got to pick up some writable CDs.
Honestly though if raiding is out of the question I'd say you should check out Warhammer online so you could at least have a game that has 15 times better pvp.
I doubt I'll make this char on ursin thought, what server are you guys on? maybe I'll make him on that one...
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Formerly known as Peppers90
back in the 808Comment
I don't play anymore but I originally played on Deathwing alliance then played on Chromaggus Horde before I quit.Comment
I had quit originally when the patch came out that nerfed all of the BC bosses health and made everything a cakewalk, I was pissed over it. Bads can't grasp such "intense" mechanics as controlling ghosts on Gorefiend or staying out of the fucking fire, so lets nerf it into the ground and ruin the challenge for those who can do it instead. Cool idea. Not.
When I came back it's not much better, since Naxx is stupid easy, and the only thing challenging is Sartharion with 3 drakes. Whatever though, it's the direction they are going...I hope Icecrown and Arthas are actually a challenge.Comment