The maps on this game are all really good in my opinion. They eliminated all the ridiculous glitchy sniper locations that previous games had
COD: Black Ops 2
What sucks is that I know I've stabbed literally hundreds online but unless I sneak up on someone to give them the Voorhees Special, it's 50/50 at best that I'll get the kill.
Still, I'm doing better than I did on the first BLOPS.Comment
kills count for it doesnt force them to play the objective. i seen on HQ where guys camp and get kills while they collect the objective points from their teamComment
I still think they should have something where the longer you sit somewhere you start to show up on the map.Comment
Play Hardpoint or Demolition on Nuketown.
The map is so small that if you have a decent team with mics and good aim, you can run shit.
Also, Hellstorm Missiles are a must... Sentry Gun as well.
And UAVs are a free point buffet because on top of putting it in the air, every kill your team gets after you set it gives you more points until somebody shoots it down or it leaves the map.Comment
bouncing betty's are my shit, they are so awesomeComment
Ok, so I decided to play a few games in between the late NFL games and SNF. I partied up with Dizzle and asked if it was ok to play on Nuketown since I hadn't seen it yet, and I also wanted to make sure it worked considering all the issues I had downloading the damn thing. He protested because, knowing how terrible I am, he figured I would hate it. I assumed that having even more enemies in such a small space would also just mean way more deaths for me.
Well, I'm glad I decided to try it out because I had three of the best matches I've ever played in CoD. Jay was beasting too. We were both at the top of our team in points in very game I believe. I went like 49-22 one game I believe and I think we won all three games. We played Kill Confirmed, Hard Point and then Demolition. On the last match we went into overtime and I ultimately ended up planting the game winning bomb.
If I can just play every game on Nuketown then I might learn to like this game.Comment