Im sick of dying after shooting the shit out of people and seeing their health at fucking 0. The fuck is this nonsense?
Battlefield 4
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.Comment
In BF4 though playing the objective/your class is far more important than KD/R.
It looks like you play the Assault class quite a bit, but you don't throw medpacks to people very much. I always equip the medic bag when I play assault, anytime there is a big firefight and you drop that medic bag, people notice and they will flock to it to get healed. Watch your Score Per Minute skyrocket, especially if you are healing your squad.
Also you are helping your team out a lot by constantly spotting. I don't care if they are on the other side of the map, spot them if you see them. This is especially important if are the gunner/passenger in any vehicle, spot for the driver.
How do you spot? Is there a button you press when you want to do that? I'm still figuring shit out as I go...
Bone, baby. I own that and Ryse, but BF is getting all my time. I'm addicted.
He plays it on the Xbox One
I saw you tried to join me riley but you were on the other team. I don't even know how to create a party and if we can join matches as a party in BF4. It isn't even worth trying until they redo the XBL Friends list thingy.
I seem to join servers that ScumbagWally is on a lot, and he is never on my team of course.
I just unlocked the medic bag. I had 4 dudes standing near me during a fire fight and I just kept throwing it down.
How do you spot? Is there a button you press when you want to do that? I'm still figuring shit out as I go...
I've tried to join a couple times...I never get to be on anyone's team.Comment
The SCAR is fucking amazing, I basically unlocked it months ago and didn't give any shits about it. Now I love it because it does so much damage and I just control my bursts, increased my k/d ratio a lot as well.
This site is great for finding how your shots will go with certain attachments. If you're using a setup with a spray pattern that is all over the place, you should probably change it up.
go fuck yourselfComment
I'm actually surprised it took you this long to get into Battlefield. Bf3 and Bad Company 2 were/are sooooooo good. Better late than never.Comment
I took a pretty long hiatus from anything online multiplayer. I just never had a good experience like I did with SOCOM 2 or RB6: Vegas.
This is something different. The learning curve is relatively steep, but once you learn what's going on, it gets better. I'm really enjoying this, even without talking...on that note, do you need a mic to talk or does the kinect register what's going on? I never hear anyone talking.
You should get it, Twigg. We'll grow together.Comment