Battlefield 4
Last night, I had sound issues where your very first match the audio was messed up, no sound effects and you kept hearing the end of match music every 3 mins. Also, ppl names were not showing.
Today tho, no issues at all. I played for about 5 hrs today..
o TH3 N3RD o
I just want them to get the server browser fully functioning (so I can sort), and fix the mysterious one shot kills that aren't headshots.
edit: And getting killed by people with 0 health has returnedLast edited by MmmmBeeeeer; 02-02-2014, 08:02 AM.Comment
DICE said the problems are not system related and strictly an issue with their development. Actually came out on twitter shortly after there was talk that more of the problems were on PS4. I don't even put the game in my system anymore.Comment
You have played for 8 hours total, your argument is invalid.
Last night was the first time I played in probably over a month.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.Comment
No way that is accurate. I played every day for at least a week after release. And last night I got on at 11pm and played until 3:15am. Ask Knubb and BossFan what time we jumped off.
Last night was the first time I played in probably over a month.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SIII using Tapatalk.Comment
had the same issue just now on PC, after the first match would finish tho it seemed to go back to normalComment