Nah, I didn't even play it on Fubar, just Normal. I think I would have broken the disc, my controller, and the 360 if I had played it on Fubar. I think I spent like an hour alone trying to get past the part where you have to go down the tower and across the rooftop to the helicopter, and a couple other annoying parts. Terrible checkpoint system but still a great game overall, I agree, and I commend you for having the skills and patience to beat it on Fubar. I never will lol.
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I finally beat Sleeping Dogs.
Took me 12 days (with breaks, sleep, work and doing other shit in-game and off the system) but I came away satisfied.
I'd recommend it if you dig open world games and you're waiting until GTA V to release.Comment
Just played through Uncharted: Golden Abyss again. Such an amazing game for a handheld version. Of course the story isn't quite up there with the Naughty Dog versions, but hey, what is? Always weird seeing Drake and Chase at the end of this game since I'm such an Elena fan in the series. If you have a PSV and haven't played this game, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Dude tried to hang with me...just couldn't keep up. I've been playing this game since 1999 homie, I know what's up. Tony Hawk HD.
I've already beat every objective on every level, just need to start on the Projectives now. Got a couple of the extra trophies as well. DL'ed it last night.Comment
Is there any game you're close to finishing or even need help with?
I could also help you out with Trine 2, if you'd like. Game was free at one point, not sure if you downloaded it.
Let me know, dude... I got you!Comment
There are two games in particular that are the EASIEST Plats known to mankind...
...doesn't take more than a day, tops, to beat both of them.
You'll shame yourself and your family for doing so but if you really want those Plats that badly...Comment
Unlike on the Xbox, I want to do this one legit.
EDIT: I'm 10 trophies shy in UC: Drake's Fortune. Looks like I'll be playing this game on 'crushing' when I do my marathon *le sigh*.Comment
You could just download Borderlands next week, and I'll help get you a platinum.Comment
I probably wouldn't get close doing an entire playthrough 1 with my level 58 since I'd only be getting 1 or 2 xp per enemy. I don't think mopping up the remaining challenges would help much either.Comment