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I finished Guacamelee this morning. Put in almost 17 hours. LOL. But I would guess about four of those hours were just trying to get through the Tree Tops and the cavern in the Sierra Mountains. I got all the trophies except for the two for Hard mode. I immediately started a new game on Hard to go for those bad boys. Love me some Guacamelee.Comment
I finished Tomb Raider tonite at 67%. There is just so much shit to collect...doesnt seem worth it. Anyway it was a wild ride. I look forward to doing some actual treasure hunting with Lara. I look forward to Next Gen Lara as well.
I want to know who would win in a fight Nathan Drake vs Lara Croft??? Lara got the shit beat out of her this game as was more of a climber and killer than Nathan was. It was quite insane.Comment
Finally beat InFamous, got my gold trophy for doing it on hard. The ending is awesome.
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That game still pisses me off. I think I'm two trophies short of the platinum. One is for finding all the blast shards. I think I'm only missing three? I spent hours upon hours systematically combing those islands and couldn't find them. The other was for completing all the special moves. I was a few short and if you wait until after you beat the game some of the enemies you need to complete the moves rarely, if ever, respawn.Comment
I'm on the last boss in Bayonetta on Hard mode. My right forearm is sore from playing this game. Hard hasn't been TOO bad, other than climbing the tower, but I don't look forward to the 9 phase boss. Such a great game though. One of the weirder ones I've played, but the controls are pretty much perfect and the game definitely rewards you for getting better.
I think this may have burned me out on my run of Platinum's games. I was going to pick up Metal Gear Rising, but I think I need something a little more laid back after burning through Vanquish and Bayonetta on hard in less than a week.
Sidenote: What is Kamiya's obsession with Evil and Good/Light and Dark people having a forbidden sex baby?Comment
So, after seeing the blue vagina pulsating at me for about a week I finally decided to turn on my Wii. I haven't touched that thing in ages and I'm pretty sure it coughed out dust when I hit the power button. I figured since I had it on and was updating it I may as well play Donkey Kong Country Returns, since I knew I was pretty close to the end. I ended up spending the majority of today playing through the last two worlds, and boy were they a bitch. Since the Wii has that feature that keeps track of your play time for each game per day I checked and I spent close to six hours just finishing those last two worlds. LOL.
But now my Wii got some love and DKCR has been put to rest. If you like old school, tough platformers and have a Wii then this might be a game for you. It's really good but the difficulty can get very frustrating at times. I definitely am not going to go back and try to 100% this thing.Comment
Just beat InFAMOUS 2 on hard. Oh Cole...
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I beat the equivalent of what the story campaign is for vanilla Defiance (new story DLC hasn't arrived yet).
I'll admit to cheesing the last boss (because it's one of the single-worse experiences ever and this is an MMO shooter, not the boss levels from fucking Deus Ex) but it felt good knowing that I could set the game aside for a while finally.
...until the next DLC hits and I gotta do it over again.Comment
Got bored of modern gaming so went back to the past and beat this bad boy...
Last couple of stages took me hours but FUCK YOU GAME! Probably the first and only game Ive ever beaten on the SNES. Working on a Link to the Past now... first Zelda game and hot damn is it good.Comment