Complete Player ratings have been released for Madden '13. Download them: HERE
Complete player ratings released for Madden '13
I don't get how or why there is an overall ranking, when it differs by team and scheme. I would think that some players might be drastically different based on what scheme they are in for overall or would at least hope so. -
You have to be kidding me. They gave Peyton Manning 82 Deep Accuracy. Worse than Brandon Weeden and Brock Osweiler. If anything they should have lowered his throwing power not his accuracy.
It's pretty much like moving a 4-3 DE to 3-4OLB in the old games, just with every position.Comment
Originally posted by ram29jacksonI already said months ago that Seattle wasn't winning any SBComment
It doesn't even matter what Clawledge is rated. Pass rush is always just a slap fight into a dice roll animation.Comment
I just wish EA would take more things into account than just ratings and what some bums on ESPN say.Comment