For those noobs to the Assassin's Creed franchise, or for anyone wanting a good refresher for the upcoming Assassin's Creed 3 game, this is for you. GameSpot is putting together 5 videos for each of the previous 4 games that has the major cutscenes and gameplay. Each video is between 20-30 minutes long, so it's going to go pretty in depth. I highly advise playing through the games before 3, but if you can't or wont, at least watch these. There's a pretty amazing story with Desmond that carries over through all of these games, and it would be a real shame if you went into AC3 completely blind.
Assassin's Creed: The Story So Far
fired up AC2...i played about half of it on 360 and now doing it on PC. idk if i can get through it. holding down the RT and A button at the same time 90% of the game is annoying as fuck and why i stopped playing before.
the game looks very dated too on the pc
did they ever change the control design on any of the later games?Comment