The game everyone's been waiting for hits Midnight this Monday and I know you guys are ready and raring the go.
So I propose another Game Night featuring the title.
TDM, S&D, Gun Game, Zombies... you name it, somebody'll will play it come Tuesday.
Now all we need is players so all you guys need to do is sign-up in this thread, declare rather you're on XBOX or PS3 and post what times you can play.
If the servers go smoothly, I suspect a decent time.
So I propose another Game Night featuring the title.
TDM, S&D, Gun Game, Zombies... you name it, somebody'll will play it come Tuesday.
Now all we need is players so all you guys need to do is sign-up in this thread, declare rather you're on XBOX or PS3 and post what times you can play.
If the servers go smoothly, I suspect a decent time.
See you online.
360 Players:
MrBill - MrBill
Primetime - Prim3time232
JeremyHight - JeremyHight
Roogy - SportsSnob
Swarley - Swarley133
SuperKevin - Curly W Tattoo
PS3 Players:
JayDizzle - JayDizzle04
Twigg - Twigg4075
Rudi - PlugTheLeake44
PepperNY - PepperNY
OnlyOneBeerLeft - OnlyOneBeerLeft
Hasselbeck - ThePiven
PC Players
Maynard - Maynard46