Good idea ^ Maybe use your contests as an incentive to other forums to post your podcast on the front page of their websites.
VSN Arcade Podcast - Ep. 56
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you guys are retards...its not about who answers or enters the contest....its about using the contest to promote your show. like at a site like cag, or os, or wherever.
who cares who wins. a 60 dollar game for a shitload a free advertising is the idea. if all you are doing is posting this at vsn then its a waste of time.
instead of worrying about post count why not make the contest last longer and keep doing shameful promotion.Comment
I understand that dick hole. But if you offer a contest with no stipulations on a site like CAG you will have people doing exactly what they are doing. They load up the show, skip all the way to the give away, sign up to the forum and then pm us with the answer. They have no intentions of sticking around here or listening to the show again, they just want free shit. I assure you. That accomplishes nothing.
Follow me on twitter @JBregzz
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Redskins TGT Scheduling Thread
Plus it would be a good idea to do what they actually do on the CAGcast and require people to offer criticism of the show in the show thread in order to qualify for the prize as well. That way you know they have to listen to it at least.Comment
I understand that dick hole. But if you offer a contest with no stipulations on a site like CAG you will have people doing exactly what they are doing. They load up the show, skip all the way to the give away, sign up to the forum and then pm us with the answer. They have no intentions of sticking around here or listening to the show again, they just want free shit. I assure you. That accomplishes nothing.Comment
no shit thats what people will do. what do u expect? do u honestly think you will gain more listeners by forcing people to listen to the podcast? no...u use the contest to market the podcast and hope more people listen because you have some worth listening to.
at this point, you dont have something worth listening to. why do people care to listen to 3 or 4 random guys talk about stuff they have already read on other sites or heard on other shows? anyone who does listen will hear it for a few seconds and shut it off because of the amateur sound quality
now im sure u will take that harsh comment like jaydizzle and cry yourself to sleep tonight on your huge pillow....but what you should do is go and meet with your fellow casters and keep working on ways to develop a show that matters. you been doing this for over 50 shows now its not any better than when doucher was forgetting to hit the record button. until you figure out a way to give the listener a reason to care, then you wont gain any new listeners regardless of how you give away a prize
the 3 man format is a good start...and i used to use my ps2 logitech usb headset to record and i sounded fine.Comment