Official PlayStation 4 Thread
Well I'm kind of a beast when it comes to this Resogun shit. I got a trophy when I was playing and saw I only needed 3 more to plat. Decided to just do it. Will probably never do anything like that again. I've only done it with 2 games. Resogun and Burnout Paradise(Which I accomplished by accident)
I keep debating Tomb Raider. I loved GTA 5 but am mostly a sports gamer. But I really need some new games for my PS4. I bought Pinball Arcade and like it a lot, but it's more like an arcade/PSN type game to me, just a distraction from time to time.My Twitch video link:
Twitch archived games link:
That's pretty much the entire point.Comment
The Playstation 4 is in stock at but probably not for long-
#PS4 firmware update tomorrow (v1.60) bringing Pulse Headset support, general stability improvements and ability to mute camera.Comment
Why oh why am I debating getting into DCUO on the PS4?I give rep not thanks
My Audio Blog (Whoring)Comment