You should put some kind of a deadline on the ladder, where at that time you declare a champion and then clear all stats and start again. Maybe every 2 months? Keep this going through May and then start fresh for June and July. And require a minimum of 10 games to declare a winner.
Or the top 6-8 teams have a playoffs. dunno.Comment
Originally posted by houtzLanteri would get raped in the Sombrero. That might be half the reason he dropped out. He said he was "to busy" but he has plenty of time for the other league? Makes you wonder.Comment
Originally posted by submittedsoulIm still up for joining if yall want me. I lost 3-2 against someone, but I forget who it was. I was in 6 innings.
Code:AtHISRightHand xB_MiLL-2 Apr 18, 2009 08:49 PM Exhibition PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand deutscherjung86 Apr 17, 2009 09:34 PM Exhibition PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand danelml Apr 11, 2009 12:28 PM Exhibition PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand LBKALLDAY34 Apr 10, 2009 06:36 PM League PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand LBKALLDAY34 Apr 10, 2009 06:35 PM League PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand LBKALLDAY34 Apr 10, 2009 06:34 PM League PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand Feel__It Apr 10, 2009 06:33 PM League PS3 Game Viewer AtHISRightHand Feel__It Apr 10, 2009 06:32 PM League PS3 Game Viewer
9 innings HOF Difficulty, everything off.Last edited by MmmmBeeeeer; 04-20-2009, 03:17 PM.Comment
That game was against me. I challenged him but he declined and wanted a 6 inning game. So I said what the heck and just wanted to see what kind of player he was. And when I rechallenged I left guess pitch on by mistake too. So I didnt count this towards the ladder. All I have to say though is read rule #3. ;)Comment
Originally posted by submittedsoulIm still up for joining if yall want me. I lost 3-2 against someone, but I forget who it was. I was in 6 innings.Yahoo: BigVoo
No idea where you got those rules from...these are from the first page of this thread. The rule is no fast pitching. That means, after picking a pitch, let the pitcher come set before throwing it. In other words, don't throw your pitches as fast as you can just to get the game out of the way.
Originally posted by houtzRules:
The first rule of VSN MLB The Show Ladder is: you do not complain about balls and strikes.
The second rule of VSN MLB The Show Ladder is: you DO NOT complain about balls and strikes!
The third rule of VSN MLB The Show Ladder: No fast pitching...EVER!
The fourth rule of VSN MLB The Show Ladder: If this is your first time at The Ladder, you have to play!Comment
I think you got those rules from the Golden Sombrero rule page. But yeah, the rule I was hinting at was no fast pitching. No big deal, I figured you had something to do so you were rushing through the game and only wanted 6 innings. But for a ladder game to count, it will be 9 innings with no fast pitching. Just try to pause between when your pitcher comes set and you release the pitch. Just relax and enjoy the game. Baseball is a slow paced game.Comment