Wolfenstein: The New Order

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  • Handleit_44
    Posts a lot
    • Jun 2009
    • 3330



    • Atlas
      • Feb 2010
      • 7949

      So no MP or Co-op? I hope this game isnt $60.


      • Twigg4075
        Kindergarten Cop
        • Feb 2009
        • 20056

        Originally posted by Atlas
        So no MP or Co-op? I hope this game isnt $60.
        Yes it is. Just like TitanFall that only has a bare bones multiplayer.

        You could always play the 360 version. Swapping the four discs should add to the play time.
        Last edited by Twigg4075; 05-14-2014, 10:38 AM.


        • Handleit_44
          Posts a lot
          • Jun 2009
          • 3330

          Gamer's Unlocked and $20 Reward Cert... it was an easy decision.

          Loved what I've seen so far.


          • jms493
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2009
            • 11248

            Besides Borderlands...what FPS has 20 hours of content and actually good? I never found a strong correlation in hours of gameplay to quality and satisfying the gamer.

            Single Player
            • Uncharted Games - 8-10 hours - Awesome
            • GTA5 - 50 hours - Awesome
            • Skyrim - 100+ hours - Awesome
            • COD4 Campaign - 5-6 hours - Awesome
            • Tomb Raider - 8-10 hours - Awesome
            • Castlevania (NES) - 2 hours - Awesome

            Batman Arkham Origins - Here is an example for me where a game just dragged on. I enjoyed the game but after the 13th hour or so I was like cmon already...lets wrap this shit up.

            I mean its all opinion based but when I see 20 hours on a FPS that is not open world. I say "Fuck"...this game is going to be filled with either busy work or just unnecessary levels.

            lets see if this game is any different...I would be willing to bet...not a chance. $20 bargain bin by fall.

            If Watch Dogs is any good why would you bother with this game?


            • Atlas
              BRACK FRIDAY BUNDURU!!!!!
              • Feb 2010
              • 7949

              ive gotten at least 50 hrs out of TF so far, well worth the $60, although I agree, games with one focus should not be full price...


              • Twigg4075
                Kindergarten Cop
                • Feb 2009
                • 20056

                Apparently there is at least one branching path early in the game to encourage replayability. I'm not sure ho much it changes the outcome or how much it alters the story.


                • Swarley
                  A Special Kind of Cat
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 11213

                  So far...

                  PS4 - 78 Metascore
                  1946: Europe. World War II rages on across Europe. Where the Allies once pressed advantage, the Nazi forces have turned the tide in dramatic fashion behind the technologically advanced war machine of General Wilhelm Strasse, aka Deathshead. When a final Allied assault on Deathshead's compound fails, the Allies’ greatest hope falls with it. 1960: Europe. The war is over. And the Nazis are triumphant victors. Using unrelenting force and brutal intimidation, the Nazis have brought even the most powerful nations to their knees. The Nazi regime now rules the globe with an iron fist. You are Captain B.J. Blazkowicz, the American War Hero. After delving into this world of darkness, you must launch an impossible counter-offensive against the monstrous Nazi regime. Only you dare stand up against an unstoppable army of Nazi robots and hulking Super Soldiers. Only you can stop Deathshead. Only you can rewrite history.

                  XB1 - 76 Metascore
                  1946: Europe. World War II rages on across Europe. Where the Allies once pressed advantage, the Nazi forces have turned the tide in dramatic fashion behind the technologically advanced war machine of General Wilhelm Strasse, aka Deathshead. When a final Allied assault on Deathshead's compound fails, the Allies’ greatest hope falls with it. 1960: Europe. The war is over. And the Nazis are triumphant victors. Using unrelenting force and brutal intimidation, the Nazis have brought even the most powerful nations to their knees. The Nazi regime now rules the globe with an iron fist. You are Captain B.J. Blazkowicz, the American War Hero. After delving into this world of darkness, you must launch an impossible counter-offensive against the monstrous Nazi regime. Only you dare stand up against an unstoppable army of Nazi robots and hulking Super Soldiers. Only you can stop Deathshead. Only you can rewrite history.


                  • JayDizzle
                    Let's Go All The Way...
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 14215

                    Buying/Streaming this tomorrow.

                    Played the O.G. version on DOS (not Spear of Destiny, unfortunately) and haven't been impressed by all the iterations up until now.

                    Looking forward to some Nazi-Smashing soon.


                    • Twigg4075
                      Kindergarten Cop
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 20056

                      Originally posted by JayDizzle
                      Buying/Streaming this tomorrow.

                      Played the O.G. version on DOS (not Spear of Destiny, unfortunately) and haven't been impressed by all the iterations up until now.

                      Looking forward to some Nazi-Smashing soon.

                      The last game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein I believe, was pretty solid. I think it was only on 360.


                      • christguz
                        I turned into a martian
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 446

                        Started playing a bit. So far it's pretty cool, but the AI even on über is a little dumb. Besides that complaint I have no others as of right now. Will post more later on.

                        Sent from The Fortress of Solitude.
                        "No God or Kings. Only Man"


                        • padman59
                          Slayer of Demons
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 5709

                          I watched some of the GB Quick Look, and I have to say that the nightmares caught me off guard. This might be worth picking up eventually.


                          • jms493
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 11248

                            Originally posted by padman59
                            I watched some of the GB Quick Look, and I have to say that the nightmares caught me off guard. This might be worth picking up eventually.
                            Steam Summer Sale.


                            • JayDizzle
                              Let's Go All The Way...
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 14215

                              The 4 Gig+ Day One update killed my vibe a little bit after getting my copy home.

                              On another thought:

                              Apparently I didn't think that a new title (any title, not just this one) for a new system would be sold out in multiple stores...

                              How silly of me.

                              Also, thank you Based Wal-Mart for always having what I need.


                              • christguz
                                I turned into a martian
                                • Jul 2012
                                • 446

                                Got a little deeper into the game and I'm loving it. Although as I mentioned before there are times the AI sucks which takes away from pretty cool moments. Other than that it's intense and action-packed so far!

                                Sent from The Fortress of Solitude.
                                "No God or Kings. Only Man"

