#The5: 5 Games That Must Return
I will take any SW flight simulator at this point. It's honestly a push for TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. I also love the Rogue Squadron games, but X-Wing and Rogue Squadron are fundamentally different. Either one coming back would be great for next gen, but I have a feeling they won't.Comment
Edit: Actually, it looks like they may have had two. One where it looks like they were trying to re-brand and start over and a "3D" one.
Road Rash inspired twisted metal.
Vehicular destruction games have sucked since PS days.
My list.
1. DOOM.-- I miss games that actually scare you. Seems like R.E , deadSpace and others either miss the mark or try to be something more complex. Straight up shooter where you were by yourself against the hordes of hell.
2. Double Dragon - You're not going to convince me that just because its 2014 the Mayors daughter cant be kidnapped and city streets cant be over run with gangs at night. No super heroes no God powers , just a street tough and his bro karate kicking ....uhm."UFC" kicking thugs until they rescue the hot slut GF/Mayors daughter/ Sister etc etc.
3. Star Wars : BattleFront god damn those games were fun. reliving all the huge SW battles , being able to switch sides , use all the vehicles etc.Best reason to have a license.
RoboCop vs. the Terminator - I still play this on my SegsGenesis. Great game with lots of blood. Definitely needs a PS3 upgrade.
Unreal Tournament(series) - best FPS ever. I'm still rocking UT3, it's time for IV.
Incredible Hulk/Ultimate Destruction - the only superhero game I actually enjoy. Love the ability to use either Savage, Grey or Joe Fixit Hulk. I'd love an upgrade with more classic Hulk baddies, not just the Abomination.
Mortal Kombat Trilogy - the best MK, IMO. Would love a PS3 upgrade.
NBA Jam/NBA Street - 'nuff saidComment
Road Rash inspired twisted metal.
Vehicular destruction games have sucked since PS days.
My list.
1. DOOM.-- I miss games that actually scare you. Seems like R.E , deadSpace and others either miss the mark or try to be something more complex. Straight up shooter where you were by yourself against the hordes of hell.
2. Double Dragon - You're not going to convince me that just because its 2014 the Mayors daughter cant be kidnapped and city streets cant be over run with gangs at night. No super heroes no God powers , just a street tough and his bro karate kicking ....uhm."UFC" kicking thugs until they rescue the hot slut GF/Mayors daughter/ Sister etc etc.
3. Star Wars : BattleFront god damn those games were fun. reliving all the huge SW battles , being able to switch sides , use all the vehicles etc.
I guess I'm in the minority but I thought the Battlefront games were way overrated. So boring. Just running around a barren battlefield shooting lasers. They could've been so much more. That's why I actually got excited when there was word that DICE was going to be developing BF3 several years ago.Comment
Road Rash inspired twisted metal.
Vehicular destruction games have sucked since PS days.
My list.
1. DOOM.-- I miss games that actually scare you. Seems like R.E , deadSpace and others either miss the mark or try to be something more complex. Straight up shooter where you were by yourself against the hordes of hell.
2. Double Dragon - You're not going to convince me that just because its 2014 the Mayors daughter cant be kidnapped and city streets cant be over run with gangs at night. No super heroes no God powers , just a street tough and his bro karate kicking ....uhm."UFC" kicking thugs until they rescue the hot slut GF/Mayors daughter/ Sister etc etc.
3. Star Wars : BattleFront god damn those games were fun. reliving all the huge SW battles , being able to switch sides , use all the vehicles etc.
With the new Star Wars stuff going on, I'm actually hoping we can also get a game that is on par with Dark Forces/Jedi Knight, Rogue Squadron, Tie Fighter, KOTOR or Battlefront. Miss having games that were good and fun from that franchise.Comment