Just released today from Gamescon is a trailer for NHL 15 with gameplay footage. It isn't even two minutes in length, but it does provide plenty to look at and dissect right now. Lets jump in!
From the start, you can see substantial differences in the crowd before the initial faceoff. Throughout the trailer, we catch a glimpse of crowd interaction, including fans cheering big hits, a fan with a beverage in his hand and best of all, mocking a player currently in the penalty box. The crowd also went nuts on Patrice Bergeron's goal on a penalty shot. With MLB: The Show, we saw some nice additions to stadium atmosphere in next-gen sports games, but it seems NHL may take that to a whole new level.
Tangent: if they have the Green Man suit guys from Vancouver represented in the game, I may call this the best sports game of all time just on principle.
I also see the new physics engine hard at work that I caught glimpses of about a month ago. From the gameplay trailer, we see some bone-crunching hits that certainly look different than past NHL games. I liked seeing a hit that resulted in a player falling into the boards, and we also see Bergeron tripped and falling into the goalie. Those kind of falls, while they might seem small, actually really add to the realism for the game, because those are the hits that happen in an NHL game.
It's also interesting to point out, on the same hit where we see the Penguins player hit and driven down into the boards, the player who hit him also takes a fall. A big hit like that will often affect both players, and it is nice to see that it may be accounted for.
We even get to witness a fight. The NHL has been trying to eliminate fights for a few years, and we are seeing less emphasis placed on the "enforcer" player than ever before. It is nice to see that EA is recognizing fighting still and are showcasing it in a gameplay trailer. A fan being excited over his team's fight makes it even better.
I would have liked to see some more offensive gameplay to see what they've done with the deking system, but there is only so much you can do in a two minute video, and EA had to showcase the major things they've been working on. I definitely want to see more.
What are your thoughts on the gameplay trailer? What are you most excited to see?