Ace Big – HB Dive (Missouri PB)
a) Flip the Play.
b) Snap the Ball. Follow the Blocks.
Ace Big – Quick Slants (Missouri PB)
a) Place the TE’S on streaks.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man and Man Coverage, look for the Outside WR’S on the slants.
Ace Big – PA Deep In (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protection to the Left.
b) Place the Left Outside WR to a streak.
c) Place the Left TE on a drag. Snap the Ball
d) If you have a good running QB and the defense is in man coverage, sprint
to the left and run with the ball or dump it to the RB.
e) Zone Coverage, look for the Right Outside WR.
Ace Big – Y Shallow Cross (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Look for the TE’S going over the middle, they should get open in man and zone coverage.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – HB Dive (Missouri PB)
a) Flip the Play. No Adjustments. See if the defense is in Zone or Man.
b) If Zone, then motion the Right Inside WR to the left.
c) Snap the Ball when the motion man is at the Center.
d) Look for the blocks for a nice gain.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – HB Slam (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball
b) Look for the lanes to open, nice running play.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – Inside Cross (Missouri PB)
a) Slide the offensive line to the right.
b) Snap the Ball. Roll out to the right, just a bit.
c) Man Coverage, Look for the RB, the Left outside WR or the Right WR.
d) Zone Coverage, look for the Left inside WR
Pistol Twin TE Slot – PA Deep In (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) After the PA, roll out to the right.
c) Man Coverage, look for TE going to the right side flats, the Left Inside
WR on the Streak or the Left Outside WR on the In Route.
d) Zone Coverage, TE in the right flats, The Right Outside WR on the
Streak or the Left Outside WR on the In Route.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – PA Flood (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man and Zone, look for the WR on the green route, TE going over the middle.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – X Curl (Missouri PB)
a) Place the Left Outside WR on a streak.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man and Zone, look for the Right Outside WR route, TE over the middle.
Shotgun Split Slot – QB Slot Option (Missouri PB)
a) Place your RB in the Slot WR position.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Run with the QB, when you see he will get tackled, pitch to the Slot WR.
When done right, these option plays are killer and most times you can get a nice gain.
Just watch out for the fumble.
Shotgun Split Slot – FB Inside (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Dual HB Swap Package.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Run behind the OLG for a nice gain.
Shotgun Split Slot – Triple Option (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protection right. Make sure you read LDE, right side of TV screen.
b) Snap the Ball. Again run with the QB, until you see he will get tackled,
then pitch the ball to the RB.
Shotgun Split Slot – HB Slip Screen (Missouri PB)
a) Place the Right RB on a slant going left.
b) Place the Right Slot WR on a drag going left. Snap the Ball
c) Man/Zone, look and get the ball to the HB on the screen.
Shotgun Split Slot – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Pick the HB Dual Package.
b) See if the defense is in Zone or Man defense.
c) If you see the defense is in zone, place the Right Slot WR on a streak.
d) Place the right RB on a streak and motion him to the left.Snap the Ball
e) Man, look for the Left RB going to the flats, the Right Slot WR or the Outside WR’S.
f) Zone, look for the Outside WR’S
Shotgun Split Slot – Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Place the RB, on the delayed route, to a slant going toward the middle of the field.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the RB going into the flats or the Right Slot WR.
d) Zone, look for the RB going into the flats, the RB you placed on the slant
or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Backs Cross (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) If man, then place the Right Slot WR on a streak. Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the Left RB route, he should get wide open.
d) Zone, look for the Right RB route or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – 46 Z Cross (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) Place both the outside WR’S on streaks.
c) If defense is in man, then motion the right RB motion to the left.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man, look for the Left RB or the Right Outside WR.
f) Zone, look for the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Slants (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) If man, then run this play, if zone audible to another play.
c) Shift Protection to the left.
d) Snap the Ball. Roll slightly to the left.
e) Look for your RB going to the flats or your Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Z Slant Y Corner (Missouri PB)
a) Place both your Outside WR’S on streaks.
b) Place your right RB, in motion, going left. Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the left RB route or the Right Outside WR on the streak.
d) Zone, look for the Right Slot WR or the Left Outside WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – PA QB Choice (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball. Roll out to the right.
b) Man/Zone, look for the Right Slot WR, if he is covered and the blocks are
there, and run with the ball. If not, look at getting the ball to the Left WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Cross Weak Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Package – Slot Strong. See if defense is Man or Zone.
b) If defense is in zone, then streak your right RB.
c) Place your Right RB in motion to the left.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man/Zone, look for the Left RB on a quick pass or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Flat Combo (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Right RB to the left. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the Left RB.
c) Zone, look for the Left Outside WR or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
These running option running plays are killer if you know when to pitch to the RB. Read the defense and use plenty of hitstick, most times you will only have one guy going after your RB after the pitch.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – PA Jet Sweep (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the RB going toward the flats or the TE going across the field.
c) Zone, look for the TE going over the middle.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – HB Slip Screen (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
b) Snap the Ball, then rollout to the left. Let the screen set up
c) Man, look for the HB on the screen.
d) Zone, look for the HB screen or the TE’S route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – HB Angle (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Place the Left outside WR on a streak.
c) Snap the Ball.
d) Man, look for the Left Slot WR or the RB.
e) Zone, look for the RB Route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Strong Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man, Look for the RB, the Left Slot WR or the Right Outside WR (he has
a great deep route which you can hit him with the Rocket Catch.
d) Zone, look for the TE on his route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Motion Option Pass (Missouri PB)
a) Use the 4 WR package.
b) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, you can run with it and pitch it to the RB as with other option
plays or you can pass the ball, to pass the ball you need to make the icons appear
by pushing the A(XBOX360)/X(PS3) and throw it to the TE deep on his
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – 4 Verticals (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Do a quick circle maneuver with the QB to the left.
c) Man/Zone, get the ball to the RB on the delayed route, nice little gain.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Streak the Left Slot WR.
c) Snap the Ball. Man/Zone, look for the Left Outside WR or the RB on the delayed.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – PA QB Choice (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
b) Snap the Ball after the motion man takes a couple of steps.
c) Sprint with the QB to the play side.
d) Man/Zone, look for the Left Outside WR going over the middle of the field.
If you WR is covered, look for the WR on the delayed route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Flanker Dig (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If zone, then Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
c) Snap the Ball
d) Man, hit the Left Slot WR or the RB(he should get wide open).
e) Zone, look for the TE, the Left Slot WR or the Right Outside WR.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Dig Switch (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Z Slot Package. See if defense is in Man or Zone, if zone, then
audible to 4 verticals, same formation and skip to step g.
b) Slide Protect to the left.
c) Place the Left Outside WR on a streak.
d) Motion the Left Slot WR to the right.
e) Snap the ball once your motioned man takes a couple of steps.
f) Look for a quick pass to the RB or look for your motioned WR.
g) ZONE ONLY, Snap the ball and look for your RB on the delayed, nice gain.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Run with the QB until he looks like he will get tackle.
c) Pitch the ball to the RB; make sure you watch the defenders.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Wheel (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If the defense is in Zone, place the Right Outside WR on a streak.
c) If the defense is in Man, then motion the WR on the wheel route to the right.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man, look for the Right Middle WR.
f) Zone, look for the WR on the wheel route or the RB on the delayed route.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Mesh Post (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man/Zone. If zone the audible to another play.
b) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the Right Inside WR going to the flats for a quick pass or the
Right Outside WR on the deep ball.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Seattle (Missouri PB)
a) Have the RB on a slant going right.
b) Place the Far Right WR on a streak.
c) Snap the Ball.
d) Man, look for the RB. Zone, look for the RB or the Right Inside WR, next
to the o-line.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Have your RB go in motion to the left.
b) Snap the Ball when your RB goes past the Center.
c) Man, look for the RB, or either of the Outside WR’S.
d) Zone, look for either of the Outside WR’S.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Flanker Drive (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If Man, audible to another play. If Zone, motion the Right Outside WR.
c) Snap the Ball once your motioned man takes a couple of steps.
d) Look for you motioned man, most times he will be uncovered. If your motioned man
is covered, then look for your RB on the delayed route for a nice gain.
Shotgun Wings Trips – HB Sweep (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone. If Man, run this play.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the open lanes and blocks.
d) (Optional) You can audible to any passing play in this formation, place the
RB on a slant. Snap the Ball and look for the RB.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the right. Snap the Ball.
b) Run with the QB, and then pitch to the RB as they close into the QB.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Levels (Missouri PB)
a) Shift line Protection to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, look for the Right Middle WR or run with the ball.
Shotgun Wings Trips – PA WR In (Missouri PB)
a) Shift line Protection to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, run with the ball or pass it to the Right Middle WR.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Stick (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the Right Middle WR or the Right Inside WR.
c) Zone, look for the Right Inside WR.
a) Flip the Play.
b) Snap the Ball. Follow the Blocks.
Ace Big – Quick Slants (Missouri PB)
a) Place the TE’S on streaks.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man and Man Coverage, look for the Outside WR’S on the slants.
Ace Big – PA Deep In (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protection to the Left.
b) Place the Left Outside WR to a streak.
c) Place the Left TE on a drag. Snap the Ball
d) If you have a good running QB and the defense is in man coverage, sprint
to the left and run with the ball or dump it to the RB.
e) Zone Coverage, look for the Right Outside WR.
Ace Big – Y Shallow Cross (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Look for the TE’S going over the middle, they should get open in man and zone coverage.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – HB Dive (Missouri PB)
a) Flip the Play. No Adjustments. See if the defense is in Zone or Man.
b) If Zone, then motion the Right Inside WR to the left.
c) Snap the Ball when the motion man is at the Center.
d) Look for the blocks for a nice gain.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – HB Slam (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball
b) Look for the lanes to open, nice running play.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – Inside Cross (Missouri PB)
a) Slide the offensive line to the right.
b) Snap the Ball. Roll out to the right, just a bit.
c) Man Coverage, Look for the RB, the Left outside WR or the Right WR.
d) Zone Coverage, look for the Left inside WR
Pistol Twin TE Slot – PA Deep In (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) After the PA, roll out to the right.
c) Man Coverage, look for TE going to the right side flats, the Left Inside
WR on the Streak or the Left Outside WR on the In Route.
d) Zone Coverage, TE in the right flats, The Right Outside WR on the
Streak or the Left Outside WR on the In Route.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – PA Flood (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man and Zone, look for the WR on the green route, TE going over the middle.
Pistol Twin TE Slot – X Curl (Missouri PB)
a) Place the Left Outside WR on a streak.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man and Zone, look for the Right Outside WR route, TE over the middle.
Shotgun Split Slot – QB Slot Option (Missouri PB)
a) Place your RB in the Slot WR position.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Run with the QB, when you see he will get tackled, pitch to the Slot WR.
When done right, these option plays are killer and most times you can get a nice gain.
Just watch out for the fumble.
Shotgun Split Slot – FB Inside (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Dual HB Swap Package.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Run behind the OLG for a nice gain.
Shotgun Split Slot – Triple Option (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protection right. Make sure you read LDE, right side of TV screen.
b) Snap the Ball. Again run with the QB, until you see he will get tackled,
then pitch the ball to the RB.
Shotgun Split Slot – HB Slip Screen (Missouri PB)
a) Place the Right RB on a slant going left.
b) Place the Right Slot WR on a drag going left. Snap the Ball
c) Man/Zone, look and get the ball to the HB on the screen.
Shotgun Split Slot – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Pick the HB Dual Package.
b) See if the defense is in Zone or Man defense.
c) If you see the defense is in zone, place the Right Slot WR on a streak.
d) Place the right RB on a streak and motion him to the left.Snap the Ball
e) Man, look for the Left RB going to the flats, the Right Slot WR or the Outside WR’S.
f) Zone, look for the Outside WR’S
Shotgun Split Slot – Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Place the RB, on the delayed route, to a slant going toward the middle of the field.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the RB going into the flats or the Right Slot WR.
d) Zone, look for the RB going into the flats, the RB you placed on the slant
or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Backs Cross (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) If man, then place the Right Slot WR on a streak. Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the Left RB route, he should get wide open.
d) Zone, look for the Right RB route or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – 46 Z Cross (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) Place both the outside WR’S on streaks.
c) If defense is in man, then motion the right RB motion to the left.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man, look for the Left RB or the Right Outside WR.
f) Zone, look for the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Slants (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in man or zone.
b) If man, then run this play, if zone audible to another play.
c) Shift Protection to the left.
d) Snap the Ball. Roll slightly to the left.
e) Look for your RB going to the flats or your Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Z Slant Y Corner (Missouri PB)
a) Place both your Outside WR’S on streaks.
b) Place your right RB, in motion, going left. Snap the Ball.
c) Man, look for the left RB route or the Right Outside WR on the streak.
d) Zone, look for the Right Slot WR or the Left Outside WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – PA QB Choice (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball. Roll out to the right.
b) Man/Zone, look for the Right Slot WR, if he is covered and the blocks are
there, and run with the ball. If not, look at getting the ball to the Left WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Cross Weak Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Package – Slot Strong. See if defense is Man or Zone.
b) If defense is in zone, then streak your right RB.
c) Place your Right RB in motion to the left.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man/Zone, look for the Left RB on a quick pass or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Split Slot – Flat Combo (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Right RB to the left. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the Left RB.
c) Zone, look for the Left Outside WR or the Right Slot WR.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
These running option running plays are killer if you know when to pitch to the RB. Read the defense and use plenty of hitstick, most times you will only have one guy going after your RB after the pitch.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – PA Jet Sweep (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the RB going toward the flats or the TE going across the field.
c) Zone, look for the TE going over the middle.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – HB Slip Screen (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
b) Snap the Ball, then rollout to the left. Let the screen set up
c) Man, look for the HB on the screen.
d) Zone, look for the HB screen or the TE’S route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – HB Angle (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Place the Left outside WR on a streak.
c) Snap the Ball.
d) Man, look for the Left Slot WR or the RB.
e) Zone, look for the RB Route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Strong Flood (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man, Look for the RB, the Left Slot WR or the Right Outside WR (he has
a great deep route which you can hit him with the Rocket Catch.
d) Zone, look for the TE on his route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Motion Option Pass (Missouri PB)
a) Use the 4 WR package.
b) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, you can run with it and pitch it to the RB as with other option
plays or you can pass the ball, to pass the ball you need to make the icons appear
by pushing the A(XBOX360)/X(PS3) and throw it to the TE deep on his
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – 4 Verticals (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Do a quick circle maneuver with the QB to the left.
c) Man/Zone, get the ball to the RB on the delayed route, nice little gain.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the left.
b) Streak the Left Slot WR.
c) Snap the Ball. Man/Zone, look for the Left Outside WR or the RB on the delayed.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – PA QB Choice (Missouri PB)
a) Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
b) Snap the Ball after the motion man takes a couple of steps.
c) Sprint with the QB to the play side.
d) Man/Zone, look for the Left Outside WR going over the middle of the field.
If you WR is covered, look for the WR on the delayed route.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Flanker Dig (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If zone, then Motion your Left Slot WR to the right.
c) Snap the Ball
d) Man, hit the Left Slot WR or the RB(he should get wide open).
e) Zone, look for the TE, the Left Slot WR or the Right Outside WR.
Shotgun Normal Wing TE – Dig Switch (Missouri PB)
a) Use the Z Slot Package. See if defense is in Man or Zone, if zone, then
audible to 4 verticals, same formation and skip to step g.
b) Slide Protect to the left.
c) Place the Left Outside WR on a streak.
d) Motion the Left Slot WR to the right.
e) Snap the ball once your motioned man takes a couple of steps.
f) Look for a quick pass to the RB or look for your motioned WR.
g) ZONE ONLY, Snap the ball and look for your RB on the delayed, nice gain.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Run with the QB until he looks like he will get tackle.
c) Pitch the ball to the RB; make sure you watch the defenders.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Wheel (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If the defense is in Zone, place the Right Outside WR on a streak.
c) If the defense is in Man, then motion the WR on the wheel route to the right.
d) Snap the Ball.
e) Man, look for the Right Middle WR.
f) Zone, look for the WR on the wheel route or the RB on the delayed route.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Mesh Post (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man/Zone. If zone the audible to another play.
b) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the Right Inside WR going to the flats for a quick pass or the
Right Outside WR on the deep ball.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Seattle (Missouri PB)
a) Have the RB on a slant going right.
b) Place the Far Right WR on a streak.
c) Snap the Ball.
d) Man, look for the RB. Zone, look for the RB or the Right Inside WR, next
to the o-line.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Corner Strike (Missouri PB)
a) Have your RB go in motion to the left.
b) Snap the Ball when your RB goes past the Center.
c) Man, look for the RB, or either of the Outside WR’S.
d) Zone, look for either of the Outside WR’S.
Shotgun Bunch HB Strong – Flanker Drive (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone.
b) If Man, audible to another play. If Zone, motion the Right Outside WR.
c) Snap the Ball once your motioned man takes a couple of steps.
d) Look for you motioned man, most times he will be uncovered. If your motioned man
is covered, then look for your RB on the delayed route for a nice gain.
Shotgun Wings Trips – HB Sweep (Missouri PB)
a) See if the defense is in Man or Zone. If Man, run this play.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Look for the open lanes and blocks.
d) (Optional) You can audible to any passing play in this formation, place the
RB on a slant. Snap the Ball and look for the RB.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Speed Option (Missouri PB)
a) Slide Protect to the right. Snap the Ball.
b) Run with the QB, and then pitch to the RB as they close into the QB.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Levels (Missouri PB)
a) Shift line Protection to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, look for the Right Middle WR or run with the ball.
Shotgun Wings Trips – PA WR In (Missouri PB)
a) Shift line Protection to the left.
b) Snap the Ball.
c) Man/Zone, run with the ball or pass it to the Right Middle WR.
Shotgun Wings Trips – Stick (Missouri PB)
a) No Adjustments. Snap the Ball.
b) Man, look for the Right Middle WR or the Right Inside WR.
c) Zone, look for the Right Inside WR.