TTC (Tuesday Team Challenge) is a weekly tournament held every tuesday at 7pm est , it will be teams of 3 playing and the draw will be randomed . A whole brackett of 6-12 teams will be completed every week . There will also be top 10 rankings and players as the weeks go on to show whos dominant and whos not , the main goal is to keep your team top for weeks on end. This will be played under sim rules
How can i join?
All you have to do is find 2 freinds (from a league or real life) that are able to be online from 7-10pm est and then make a team name (your choice but dont use a league name) and thats it .
How do we win a round?
your 3 play your opponents 3 and 2 of your members must win to advance , this means you can still advance even if you personally lose aslong as your 2 team mates win the game . These means planning for matchups more important and key .
Can i use anyteam?
Yes anyteam is allowed
How can i join?
All you have to do is find 2 freinds (from a league or real life) that are able to be online from 7-10pm est and then make a team name (your choice but dont use a league name) and thats it .
How do we win a round?
your 3 play your opponents 3 and 2 of your members must win to advance , this means you can still advance even if you personally lose aslong as your 2 team mates win the game . These means planning for matchups more important and key .
Can i use anyteam?
Yes anyteam is allowed