Is Madden really that much less fun?

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  • Wildcard
    ®3+@®d5 = 6®0@n5
    • Oct 2008
    • 5065

    Is Madden really that much less fun?

    Or is it just because back in the PS2 days there was no competition.

    Back in the ps2 days people played this game until the college game came out, or until the next madden came out.

    Nowadays people are giving up on the game before December.

    I personally think that it has a lot to due with how many other good games there are. Seriously.

    Think back on how many other games you used to play 5 years ago.

    Then think of how many games you play now?

    PS2 days all I played was...

    NBA Live
    NCAA Football


    Guitar Hero
    NBA 2k
    The SHow
    NCAA Football
    NCAA Basketball

    I mean come on..
    Originally posted by Leftwich 2-14-2009
    I wasn't comparing myself to Wildcard. I honestly don't think I could compare myself to God.

    Welcome Mr. Crabtree
    • Oct 2008
    • 1515

    I think that's actually a damn good point. In PS2 I pretty much only played Madden and GTA for any significant length of time. Since getting a 360 though I've really played a ton more games that I used to. And because Madden hasn't been a 'great' game (mainly prior to this year), it's been easier for me to put it down and play some of the other games out there.

    This year though I've already played Madden longer than I have the past couple years. Mainly because RZML has been doing so well and being in a league was something I didn't have to keep me interested before since playing on the 360.



    • DSpydr84
      I need a sub
      • Oct 2008
      • 2605

      I think the PS2 Madden's just continuously got better and more popular, and when that huge community made the jump to the next-gen, we expected the game to be leaps and bounds ahead of where it was (sort of like when we went from PS1 to PS2), which most would agree it has not been.

      What that did was bring a new awareness to the Madden community. Instead of appreciating the new features, we now accentuate the flaws. And since the community is so large and has such an enormous online community now, it's easier to find those flaws because there are a lot more eyes on the game instead of just yours.

      So I guess to answer the question in the thread, it might be a lot less fun, because everyone's perspective is scewed.


      • MvP
        a member of vsn
        • Oct 2008
        • 8227

        Yeah on Xbox all I played was Halo 2, NBA Live, MVP Baseball and Madden but I wasn't on the system nearly as much as I've been on the 360 so it cancels out.

        I think it has to do with the game AND myself getting older. I didn't know how to really play Madden (hot routes, audibles, etc.) until 06. Now it just feels like I'm running the same plays, making the same adjustments, but with slightly better gameplay every year. I can't play that every day for multiple years without it getting boring.


        • steeljake
          6 rings...
          • Oct 2008
          • 8752

          I think it has to do with the level that the game is at now and with the spilt in the game systems. The game is not as fun as it used to be. The franchise mode is just garbage and i think that is a huge deal, especially since i dont see many online chise leagues at all. If the game was still on one system it might be different, but like wildcard said with so many other fun games you can play online with your friends it makes the fact that mdden has so many flaws that much of a bigger deal.

          23:33 OnlyOneBeerLeft: jake nobody listens to you aint you supposed to die from cancer or somethin soon?


          • Aso
            The Serious House
            • Nov 2008
            • 11137

            There just isn't as much features and the game speed isn't what it was in past gen. Thats why the game isn't as fun as it used to.


            • Houston
              Back home
              • Oct 2008
              • 21231

              That’s true I never really thought about that. Back in the day when I played madden I was younger and I didn’t have many games. Just madden and maybe 2 other games.
              Now I’m 17 with a job and I can buy any game I want, now I can play COD:4, Halo 3, an GTA4 online. And I have other games that I don’t play online, because the online play sucks or it just doesn’t support online play.

              When I get mad because madden cheats me out of 3 wins in a row I just play another one of my games online. Hell there are some online demo’s that I play, like Left 4 Dead or Timeshift.

              The plain truth is that football is football, the NFL isn’t going to have any major changes. So madden has to be on point to keep up with other game and game genres that are constantly evolving and moving forward. The differences between RE3 and 4, and MTG: 2 and 3, are 10x bigger than the difference between madden 08 and 09.

              Madden has to be mistake free to keep up, starting with online play. I seriously have to sit there and run out the clock when my opponent quits? Why not just give me the instant win like any other game online. But ok no problem, except you’re not even guaranteed to get the win. 50% of the time when my opponents quit I spend time running out the clock and then I don’t even get the win at the end. How hard is it to correct this little thing?
              Don’t even get me started on how they allow ways for people to DC and glitch year after year after year……….

              Then they have to bring back all of their features and keep them for every game. Like I said recently, where the hell is the 2 minute drill? Why is franchise mode getting worse and worse every year? Where are the old mini drills like the interception one or the QB pocket drill? Why the hell is there a 40 yard dash and a bench press? Someone explain how those 2 drills will help my madden skillz?

              Every year madden tries to focus on the actual in game play when that’s not even the main problem. I’m not complaining at all about how the in-game stuff works, it’s the missing features that’s making the games suck. Don’t give us bad ass features and then take them away, leaving us wanting more from the game……….

              Most other games online(COD,GTA,Halo, Racing games etc…) you are in and out within 5 minutues. In madden the average game is 40 minutes. If you expect me to sit there for almost an hour you should guarantee that I get the win if my opponent quits, and guarantee that if I spend 30 minutes whopping someone they won’t just DC me in the last 2 minutues, which means I’ve spent all that time for nothing.

              Damn, didn’t mean to get carried away like that with a long post. It’s just the Madden developers piss me off, The sad part is that they don’t even care about any of this.
              I just can’t wait for this stupid deal to be over and then 2K sports can show Madden how a real football game is made.


              • Point Blank
                Needs a hobby
                • Oct 2008
                • 14184

                Yeah, good point.

                All I had on PS2 was Madden, Live, and Socom.


                • OnlyOneBeerLeft
                  Fuck em
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 10430

                  These are all good points...I get pissed when I'm playing online and somehow have 9 losses due to mysterious d/c while in the lead...and i only have 12 total so those 9 are a huge diff between being 26-12 and 35-3 lol I don't have many other games cuz i traded them in i got all pissed one day, but i still play games liek Gears 2 and Shaun White when Madden gets boring...I find myself starting franchises everyday searching for a fun team to use or somethin to do and i just stop, i dont have the same interest as i used to when i would do 30 years of a franchise. Hopefully something can be done and a HUGE improvement would be different announcers...give the feel of actually playin diff places certain games have certain announcers that would be a LITTLE more interesting.

                  Idk about you guys but i almost find myself pissed at Madden way more often than I'm happy with it. Maybe because the PS2 version was cheaper...and my parents bought it for me every year....and now its almost F'in 70 dollars for a video game YOU EXPECT it to be dam good and last longer then a few months. I get all excited every year for the game and have fun for a bit...but it gets old look at us EVERY week everybody complains about the roster updates and this and that. Its hard to perfect a game but we might need a bit more effort.


                  • Archer
                    Go the fuck outside
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 15303

                    I play madden till the next one every year , call me a fanboy but i love all maddens , they have faults but i still love it for the leagues . Is ncaa that good? i saw thousands of people calling it on forums and people were saying real bad things , but on here it seems well liked


                    • Chadman
                      I Am Willie Beamen
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 1048

                      No. I just cant deal with the bs. The constant cheating by the shitty programming, dumb stuff still in the game, and overall, just the AI in general. My tolerance for all of this shit is decreasing.


                      • DomePatrol
                        Urdnot Style
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 1625

                        Yeah im no longer purcahsing madden unless they pull some drastic shit and make an overall better game dammit.


                        • Houston
                          Back home
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 21231

                          But this all comes down to the same concept that developers go by, "if it ain't broke don't fix it." And developers aren’t seeing us complain in forum topics like this, what they are seeing is Video Game sales at an all time high.

                          Yes it’s true, for the past few years we’ve had the same un-answered complaints about Madden, but yet for the past few years we’ve still gone out and brought the game. It’s kinda like the prices of the next-gen games and consoles. We all know that tons of people complained about the 600$ price tag of the PS3. But still what did we see at the release? A line of people going around the block who have been there for hours waiting to buy it. We complain about the 60$ price tag of the next-gen games, yet game sales are at a all time high and are still increasing.
                          We’re actually being played by the companies on the price of consoles. Let’s say there are PS3 fanboys who are only willing to buy it only if it’s 400 or under. So Sony releases it at 600$ and a bunch of idiots go out and buy it at release day. Then once sells start to decrease, they bring it down to 500 which increases sales, then they bring it down to 400 and those original fanboys are now able to buy the console. So in the end Sony is making more profit by starting at the ridiculous price of 600$ then by starting at the price of 400. Even though sales are higher at lower prices.

                          The same thing goes for madden, even though we all have our complaints about it, I can guarantee that 9/10 people at this forum who are complaining about the game are going to buy it next year. Then we’re going to have the same complains about ’10 and be sick of EA, but then once the hype comes around we’re not going to be able to wait for the release of ’11. Then people are going to complain but still buy ’12 and then people are going to complain again………………………………..

                          It’s going to be a never ending circle into another sim NFL game is released.
                          EA knows this and that’s why they paid all that money for this deal, they can make a crappy game year after year and people are going to buy it year after year….
                          Last edited by Houston; 12-18-2008, 05:18 PM.


                          • OnlyOneBeerLeft
                            Fuck em
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 10430

                            i prefer dynasty fuckin rocks...for some reason i got rid of im stuck with Madden, Gears 2, Shaun White, Assasins Creed, and NBA 2K8...not even i hate my life lol


                            • Houston
                              Back home
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 21231

                              Originally posted by AlterEgo
                              I would like to see Madden show more depth in strategy. Like disguising your D and other things I can talk about for hrs.
                              I would like to see Champ Bailey be able to hold some un-heard of receiver on a in/out route in man coverage.

