Blink 182 is a terrible band...

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  • Deviant
    Yes, please.
    • Nov 2008
    • 2861

    Never a big fan of them, but I remember hearing this song for the first time and rolling:


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    • Bear Pand
      RIP Indy Colts
      • Feb 2009
      • 5945

      MMers should remember this, if not I just have a better memory than you.

      via buckeyes the game

      Originally posted by BTG
      I hate Blink 182.

      I hate their trite lyrics. I hate their power cords. I hate the groups that have copied them and ruined music. And I really hate their high-voiced lead singer.

      I especially hate when the high-voiced bastard throws a water bottle into the crowd that ends up hitting me in the face giving me a bloody lip and my friends and everyone around me something to laugh at.

      I've gotten ahead of myself, allow me to explain.

      Perhaps you have seen me mention that I was in the navy. Perhaps you've also seen the story ( I wrote about an experience I had in a little middle-eastern country called Bahrain.

      Well, while I was in Bahrain, a certain shit band arrived to play a gig in order to boost troop morale. (Let me tell you, when you're in a country that has an average daily temperature of five thousand degrees, you need all the morale boosting you can get.) Apparently the military didn't get the memo that Blink 182 is one of the worst bands ever.

      Now normally I wouldn't go see a band as bad as these clowns, but the concert was free. Plus you got all the free bottled water you could drink and a free Blink 182 t-shirt. Now I'm all about free bottled water and I knew the t-shirt would give me something to wipe my ass with later on that night so my friends and I decided to go.

      When they walked onto the stage, they started chanting swear words over and over to prove how cool they are. After a minute of this, they finally began to play their songs.

      Imagine this scenario:

      You're standing between two sweaty men with vicious B.O., there's a fat guy in front of you with really bad gas, it is 140 degrees even though the sun set an hour ago, and Blink 182 music is blaring in your ears.

      I now know what hell will be like and I am no longer frightened.

      Ten minutes later, we're standing there listening to them wail away about being 23 and everyone hating them. When the song ends, they decide that they are not only "rock stars," they are also comedians.

      "Man" annoying high-voiced bastard says. "It's hot out here."

      Silence from the crowd. We work in this heat during the day with our uniforms on, we know how hot it is.

      "I mean," he continues "I didn't think it was possible to get a sunburn in the dark."

      "PLAY SOME FUCKING MUSIC AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" the fat guy in front of me yells.

      At this point, I hear the high-voiced bastard say: "You guys look like you could use some water."

      He then proceeds to pick up a water bottle and hurl it into the crowd with all the strength he can muster... right at the behemoth standing in front of me.

      The fat guy ducks, the bottle hits me square in the face, friends laugh, strangers laugh, high-voiced bastard laughs.

      I reach up and touch my lip... it's bleeding. The lead singer of Blink 182 just hit me in the face with a water bottle and made my lip bleed! If this was a U2 concert, and Bono had hit me in the face with a water bottle, I would have picked that thing up and treasured it for life. However, when the Blink 182 idiot does so, there's only one response I can come up with:

      Throw the bottle back at him.

      I reach down, pick up the bottle, and throw it towards the stage. As I my arm was coming forward, it was bumped by the fat guy in front of me. This caused the throw to miss annoying high-voiced man and hit the drummer in the head. He stands up and yells and security promptly removes me from the show.

      As I'm being dragged away, I see the high-voiced bastard giving me the finger. I pull away from the security guards, grab a bottle away from a complete stranger, and throw it towards the stage only to watch as it hits the bass player in the arm. He turns and glares at me.

      I hit everyone in the group except for the intended target. This actually makes me sick to my stomach. Because of this, I have purchased a ticket to another Blink 182 show in Columbus, Ohio. At the show, I plan on urinating in a bottle and hitting him square in his face with it. I will report back when my mission is complete.


      • calgaryballer
        • Mar 2009
        • 4620

        I could create this same thread about any of the Top 100 bands. They all suck. Fall Out Boy, Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Simple Plan, etc. Pop rock is the worst form of music ever


        • I LastWish I
          Float On, Float On,
          • Oct 2008
          • 8760

          I like Blink. Going to their show later this month.

          Hate on haters.

          Originally posted by Gonzo
          LW is probably the most solid poster VSN has to offer.


          • Kuzzy Powers
            Beautiful Like Moses
            • Oct 2008
            • 12541

            Originally posted by houtz
            lol @ Travis Barker not being a good drummer.

            GTFO here. You can hate their music but to say something like that is fucking ludacris.

            Fuckin Ludacris indeed..


            • RosettaStoned
              Throbbing Tebowner
              • Oct 2008
              • 9949

              Barker is a solid drummer, but he's not nearly as great as everybody makes him out to be. Thus Barker = overrated.
              So, metaphorically speaking, our physiology basically has the universe mapped out and you're thinking it needs to be taught addition & subtraction.

              -Alan Aragon


              • RosettaStoned
                Throbbing Tebowner
                • Oct 2008
                • 9949

                Originally posted by Leftwich
                Blink is easily my favorite band of all time and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
                It's a good thing you don't give a fuck, because now everybody thinks you're a faggot.
                So, metaphorically speaking, our physiology basically has the universe mapped out and you're thinking it needs to be taught addition & subtraction.

                -Alan Aragon


                • Pitty
                  Death, Taxes, Jeff Capel
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 7541

                  Originally posted by BEROWSK
                  Travis Barker is WAYYYYY overrated. Compare him to this, and see what happens.

                  YouTube - System Of A Down - Toxicity

                  The only reason people think of him as a great drummer is because his tattoos, his reality show, and him drumming over pop songs.
                  System Of A Down sucks much more than Blink 182.


                  • The Messenger
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 5063

                    Originally posted by Pitty
                    System Of A Down sucks much more than Blink 182.
                    That's just plain ignorance. Besides Barker, I'd put every other member in SOAD over Blink 182. Serj kills any lyrics that Blink could ever hope to dream up, that alone puts them over Blink, and I actually like a couple Blink songs.

                    I agree with RS, Barker is overrated simply because there's not enough young kids who listen to music that know how to play drums. So when Barker does something even remotely good, instead of a bunch of 2/4 or 3/4 beats like all you hear on the radio, he's hailed as the greatest drummer of our generation. Granted Travis can play, but he's not on Peart's level, he's not on Bonham's level, and I wouldn't even put him up there with Carey and Bozzio. Barker's on a level of guys like Shannon Leto, Yoshiki Hayashi, Jimmy Sullivan, Mike Portnoy, etc, who are great drummers, but they aren't the the best of the best, and Travis is often hailed as the greatest drummer of this generation which is a title he doesn't deserve.

                    Click the banner above or below to visit the greatest chises on Earth!


                    • packersfan4eva
                      Ryan Luxem
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 9052

                      Blink 182 sucks


                      Originally posted by Miggyfan99
                      I would get fucked in the ass for WS tickets too... only if Miguel was playing though


                      • Sharkweather
                        Senior Member
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 8906

                        I just got back from their concert in Omaha... fucking amazing.


                        • Pitty
                          Death, Taxes, Jeff Capel
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 7541

                          Originally posted by The Messenger
                          That's just plain ignorance. Besides Barker, I'd put every other member in SOAD over Blink 182. Serj kills any lyrics that Blink could ever hope to dream up, that alone puts them over Blink, and I actually like a couple Blink songs.

                          Have you heard any of SOAD's songs? 80% of them are repeating the same 4 or 5 words over and over. I remember when I thought SOAD and Blink were good, I was 13. Truth is, they both fucking suck.

                          I wonder if System of a Down fans actually listen to the music, or rather they just sit there thinking of how badass they are, because they listen to this totally hardcore fucking awesome band, who in reality has no more talent than Mac and Frank's Chemical Toilet.

                          Banging randomly on your instruments while someone yells isn't fucking music.


                          • .RoCkEtS1
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 2979

                            They are a 10 year old's first rock band. Grow out of it if you like them...

                            Coming soon...

