damn i missed BBAD because i taped the Raiders preseason and the BB taped eviction. I was so fuckin stoked when jeff used the power he had the ultimate calmness about him hahaha. Jessie had every right to be afraid and julie got him doing her own hulk hogan pose to the jury house. was BBAD good or what?
Big Brother 11
damn i missed BBAD because i taped the Raiders preseason and the BB taped eviction. I was so fuckin stoked when jeff used the power he had the ultimate calmness about him hahaha. Jessie had every right to be afraid and julie got him doing her own hulk hogan pose to the jury house. was BBAD good or what?
Natalie, Lydia, and Chima acted like Jessie died and jeff was the one who killed him. They shit talked everyone in that group minus Michelle.
Jeff is pissed because well....they are pissed lol. He brought up a good point, when all of their friends were evicted they didnt act out like the girls were.
NLC are convinced that Michelle is going to put Russell up against one of them, and then they have the numbers. But from what Michelle was saying she wants to nominate two of them instead of Russell.
Russell is trying to convince Michelle to team up with him again because they have no one else in the house, and could be a one-two punch like Jordan and Jeff. She seems to pretty much be buying into this despite all the history with Russell.
Chima, Lydia, Gnat have been causing havoc in the house hiding and taking people's stuff, not cool.
Kevin's the wildcard here, he makes their side 4 vs, 4. If Michelle is smart she would probably stick with Russell, Jeff and Jordan, because they would probably be more loyal to her, then Chima, Nat, Lydia. And Jeff and Russell have a better shot at any endurance hoh.
Hysterical how Gnat and Lydia are friends now,,hahaha.Comment
Chima quit/got kicked out of the Big Brother house last night
"From the time he hits the court, he plays at a competitive level that you rarely see," Popovich says. "He does the exact same things that Kobe (Bryant) does, that Michael Jordan did.Comment
She was threatening all last week to go ballistic and start cussing on the live shows about the "secret mystery power". And when it was used against her group she went banana's. What a bitch.I give rep not thanks
My Audio Blog (Whoring)Comment
After nominations, Chima took to her bed......a few hours later, Natalie, Lydia and Kevin got her up to practice the golf contraption out in the backyard for the upcoming POV competition. When she got outside, bb asked her to put her microphone on---she flipped them off. Kevin went to get it for her-----and Chima threw the microphone pack in the hot tub.
A little while later, the live feeds went off for about an hour----when they came back, it was confirmed that Chima was no longer in the big brother house---she quit. She will not be going to the jury house.
lulz"From the time he hits the court, he plays at a competitive level that you rarely see," Popovich says. "He does the exact same things that Kobe (Bryant) does, that Michael Jordan did.Comment
Yea, when she was told she had to pay for it she yelled fuck this shit im done.
I would believe this gets rid of the double elimination for the week...Chime is out, and then if they let Michelle put up a replacement (lydia?) and then they vote Natalie out.