Keeping with your wrestling theme, the new Face will come in, whooping ass and cleaning house and the heels will slink away to fight another day, just not sure who that is now. interested to see where this story goes with Jimmy and his lady dead. maybe his pops and his mom get involved some kind of way.
Boardwalk Empire
Keeping with your wrestling theme, the new Face will come in, whooping ass and cleaning house and the heels will slink away to fight another day, just not sure who that is now. interested to see where this story goes with Jimmy and his lady dead. maybe his pops and his mom get involved some kind of way.
But this is where the show takes an interesting turn. Obviously this season they're gearing up to bring Nucky into full fledge gangster-mode, but do they slowly create him as a villain and bring along a good guy to take him down? Do they keep bringing in guys worse/just as bad as Nucky to keep him in our good graces? The latter is what they seem to be doing with Bobby Cannavale's character this season. I'm hoping they do the former slowly with the latter more obvious.
I hate to say it, but looking through the characters, I'm thinking Margaret is going to lead the ship toward Nucky's downfall in the long run.Comment
Rosetti is a douche. Half face finally got his revenge which was awesome. Also I think that the dog Rosetti gave to Margaret could play a role at some point, maybe in the murder investigation.
I wanted Capone to off that guy so bad. Have a feeling Nelson will end up doing work for him.Comment
Random Thoughts from the Premiere -
Gillian is the worst character on the show. I don't mean she's a shitty character, she's just a bad person and anyone who keeps Richard Harrow from having a genuine human connection deserves the worst. I love him connecting with Tommy Darmody, it's definitely what Richard needs, but Gillian treats him as some sort of child, too and that's not going to be pretty in the long run. Gillian is probably the worst mother in the history of life, so thank god she's gotten herself another kid to ruin. Hopefully Richard can step in and clap her dumbass before it's too late.
Van Alden walking in on Al Capone about to give O'Bannion (is that is name?) the works gave me a huge boner. I'm so glad to see Van Alden having a competent storyline, even though I'm still itching to see Capone hit the big time. Van Alden looked ready and willing to kill someone after getting jew'd out of his prize. I think it's only a matter of time before he explodes. He seems to be happy with his new wife and baby, though, so at least he has something going for him.
Margaret is still insufferable.
Nucky's got quite the squad with Owen, Manny and Doyle. Speaking of Doyle, his interaction with Nucky in their first scene had me cracking up.
Bobby Cannavale proves himself to be a psychopath with his opening scene. Loved it. You can tell he and Nucky are going to have an awesome rivalry. The basement table chat was absolutely fantastic. Nucky saying he'll only sell to Rothstein is just an unbelievable 180 from last season, but it still feels so natural. I love Rothstein, but Cannavale certainly showed who he is and what he will be this season with his insults to each person at the table. It's a brilliant way to create a rivalry.
Manny is not going to like being bullied by Nucky for very long. I'm interested to see how long he's willing to be the hitman of the crew, working on holidays and shit. I'm at the part right now where his wife gave him the hat and I'm t - WOW HOLY FUCK RICHARD HARROW JUST SHOT HIM IN THE FACE OMG WOW. I was about to say it seems very much that he is about to die and BOOM, Richard begins the Jimmy-revenge. I LOVE THIS SHOW!
Billy Kent could get the works, fuck you Nucky you lucky fuck, I'm so glad we got to see her titties.
LOL midgets.
This season is going to be awesome, I'm so excited. Great episode.Comment
I had it DVRed and rewinded the scene where Harrow blew Manny's face off. That shit was legendary. Needs to be a gif immediately.
I'd like to see Owen and Rosetti duke it out.Comment
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Possibly. We've seen in the past that Richard Harrow does not miss his shot, even by a centimeter. Could have been deliberate, but it also could just be he just wanted to kill the sumbitch.Comment