I caught up on both seasons. Great show. Lip is one of my favorite tv characters at the moment.
I wouldn't call it great, but it is good. Lip is my favorite character, too, but Fiona holds the entire show together. I still can't stand Frank and I think that may be holding me back. Hopefully Monica never comes back.
Oh and Kevin is my dude, too.Comment
My thing with Frank is I too hate him but I love that the show never tires to make him something that he is not. He has never had a redeeming moment and he never will. He's a complete POS that will always think about himself before others. I don't like him that much in the show, but I can respect that they stick to this despicable character they have created.Comment
My thing with Frank is I too hate him but I love that the show never tires to make him something that he is not. He has never had a redeeming moment and he never will. He's a complete POS that will always think about himself before others. I don't like him that much in the show, but I can respect that they stick to this despicable character they have created.Comment
My thing with Frank is I too hate him but I love that the show never tires to make him something that he is not. He has never had a redeeming moment and he never will. He's a complete POS that will always think about himself before others. I don't like him that much in the show, but I can respect that they stick to this despicable character they have created.
Just a reminder, with Boardwalk wrapping up earlier tonight and The Walking dead in their midseason break...Shameless starts January 13th. I know i'm pretty much the only one excited here.
Originally posted by Tailback UIt won't say shit, because dying is for pussies.Comment
I'll definitely keep watching, gonna keep my Showtime subscription because Californication starts at the same time as this.Comment