I heard a weird rumor that the Tumbler changes into the Batplane, looking at the above pic, the batplane is obviously a lot larger, is the Tumbler a secret Transformer? lol. Also, not sure if I read it here or another place, but there is another rumor that its actually a batcopter
I heard a weird rumor that the Tumbler changes into the Batplane, looking at the above pic, the batplane is obviously a lot larger, is the Tumbler a secret Transformer? lol. Also, not sure if I read it here or another place, but there is another rumor that its actually a batcopterComment
I KNOw poeople were bitching about there being no ears in the motorcycle pictures but it kinda looks like she boughtr that shit at Claire's or something.Comment
Gary Oldman gets tongue-tied talking about ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ (video)
MTV’s Josh Horowitz caught Gary Oldman off guard with a question about The Dark Knight Rises in a recent interview. Horowitz asked if The Dark Knight Rises’ ending puts a final “exclamation point” in the story, marking a definitive end to Christopher Nolan’s trilogy. Here’s what Gary Oldman had to say:
I will say this: There’s a conclusion. He touches on the first [film] and weaves it in,” he said. “It resolves. I think it’s a trilogy. It’s just great. The story is terrific. It is just epic.
Horowitz also asked how Nolan plans to top The Joker from The Dark Knight. Oldman explained that Nolan’s decision to include Bane as the main villain was a strategic one:
I think it was smart of Chris to go with a lesser-known villain rather than — because Heath’s performance, first of all, we love the Joker in Batman,” Oldman said. “Heath’s performance was so dazzling that you got to think, ‘How the hell do I top it?’ Instead of going for Riddler, instead of going for Penguin, he’s gone a slightly different way with the story.
Be sure to check out the video for more. Do you think we’ll get a cliff hanger ending in The Dark Knight Rises, or will Nolan put an exclamation point on his Batman story?
By Chris | November 21, 2011 | Interviews, The Dark Knight Rises, Videos | Gary Oldman | 12 Comments
Empire reveals ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ details, Christopher Nolan talks story & more
The Dark Knight Rises issue of Empire doesn’t go on sale until Thursday, but subscribers have received the magazine early, and with a special edition Bane cover. Tons of new details about The Dark Knight Rises are revealed, and Empire chats with Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, and Tom Hardy. Here are some interesting points from the article:
The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after The Dark knight.
The prologue is the first 6 minutes of the movie. It’s the introduction to Bane, and a taste of the rest of the film.
Batman doesn’t just stick to the shadows, he goes out in daylight in The Dark Knight Rises.
Costume designer Lindy Hemming spilled some details on Bane’s mask:
He was injured early in his story. Hes suffering from pain and he needs gas to survive. He cannot survive the pain without the mask. The pipes from the mask go back along his jawline and feed into the thing at the back where there are two cannisters of what ever it is…the anesthetic.
Christopher Nolan talks about the story:
Our story picks up eight years after The Dark Knight. In terms of finishing our story and increasing its scope, we were trying to craft an epic. It’s really all about finishing Batman and Bruce Wayne’s story. We left him in a very precarious place. Perhaps surprisingly for some people, our story picks up quite a bit later, eight years after The Dark Knight. So he’s an older Bruce Wayne; he’s not in a great state. With our choice of villain and with our choice of story we are testing Batman both physically as well as mentally. Also, in terms of finishing the our story and increasing its scope, we were trying to craft epic so the physicality of the film became very important.
Tom Hardy on Bane:
He’s brutal. Brutal. He’s a big dude who’s incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and oriented fighting style. It’s not about fighting. It’s about carnage. The style is heavy-handed, heavy-footed, it’s nasty. Anything from small-joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. He is a terrorist in mentality as well as brutal action. He’s a smashing machine. He’s a wrecking ball. If we’re going to shoot somebody, shoot the pregnant woman or the old lady first. Make sure everybody stands up. He’s a terrorist in his mentality as well as brutal actions. He’s horrible piece of work.
Christian Bale on Bane:
I wasn’t familiar with Bane. Although I vaguely remembered just a crazy “roid-looking” guy with a mask. You know what I mean? I remember him less actually on screen, and more people telling me that, and wincing just like you did. I just trust and have faith in Chris I know he wasn’t gonna mess around with making poor decision on the bloody villain was!
Read more: http://batman-news.com/#ixzz1eO6dxHMzComment