Houston's Most Overrated Movies.

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  • Rivers17ncsu
    Amerson For Thorpe!
    • Mar 2010
    • 1246

    "It's the revenge of the dicks that's nine cocks that cock nines"


    • Rivers17ncsu
      Amerson For Thorpe!
      • Mar 2010
      • 1246

      "It's the revenge of the dicks that's nine cocks that cock nines"


      • 1ke
        • Mar 2009
        • 6641

        I fell asleep 2 separate times trying to watch Where The Wild Things Are.


        • Goober
          Needs a hobby
          • Feb 2009
          • 12271

          Originally posted by Houstonboi
          I don't wanna pull a MVP and rate a movie I haven't completely seen. But I watched about 40 mins of Bridesmaids before I had to turn it off, all the funny parts were in the previews and they were no longer funny. I'll give it another chance when it comes on TV.
          About the same thing happened to me. Didn't laugh at all. Although I didn't get to the 'airplane' scene mentioned in this thread. I have no desire to give it a second chance.


          • Senser81
            VSN Poster of the Year
            • Feb 2009
            • 12804

            Originally posted by NAHSTE
            Allow me to throw this one in:

            Don't ask me why but I find this to be a chore to sit through. Never got the fascination.
            I would view as more of an odd movie with good visuals than any sort of normal movie with a plot. I thought it was the perfect role for Gene Wilder...a sarcastic person who hates kids.

            You said the movie was a chore to sit through...perhaps this scene was accidently deleted from your version of the movie?

            [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APj2ArUy6v4"]The oompa loompa song =) - YouTube[/ame]


            • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
              • Feb 2009
              • 15429

              If this thread has testicles, I'd cock punch the shit out of it.

              What an awful thread.


              • FirstTimer
                Freeman Error

                • Feb 2009
                • 18729

                Originally posted by dell71
                Adding some more:

                Into the Wild
                Source Code
                Donnie Darko
                Lawrence of Arabia
                Dr. Strangelove...
                The Prestige
                Pineapple Express
                Agreed on the bolded

                Originally posted by dell71
                Whiny brat throws a temper tantrum and runs away to prove a point. Problem is he doesn't actually have a point and is just being a jackass that refuses to communicate with his parents because they might ask him a tough question like "wtf is wrong with you". Has some fun, lives like a nomad, picks the dumbest place to settle, does something even dumber and dies. Its completely pointless unless they wanted to make the point that when you do stupid shit stupid shit happens to you.
                TXT8026/T05_0 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0
                Excellent review of Into the Wild.

                I still LOL at the fact that if he had just had a map he would have survived. *edit* Apparenlty he had a map but there was a hand operated tram 1/4 of a mile from him that he didn't know about that would have saved his life.

                quote from a park ranger about him:

                When you consider McCandless from my perspective, you quickly see that what he did wasn’t even particularly daring, just stupid, tragic, and inconsiderate... Essentially, Chris McCandless committed suicide


                • NAHSTE
                  Probably owns the site
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 22233

                  Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                  If this thread has testicles, I'd cock punch the shit out of it.

                  What an awful thread.
                  You always get emotional when discussing movies. Not a good look, sir.


                  • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 15429

                    Originally posted by NAHSTE
                    You always get emotional when discussing movies. Not a good look, sir.
                    You always get emotional after sex with whatever random blow pig you took down...


                    to address your point.

                    Threads like this are just dumb as fuck, because people just throw out movies for shock value...overrated movie threads harbor the troll in all of us.

                    People are throwing out movies with no rating at all...I mean, Into the Wild? Who in the hell thinks about that flick for more than a minute after its over, to which, the extent is "damn, that nigga was dumb!"

                    One douche-trog posted fuckin Ricky Bobby in this thread. SRS?

                    Want a real answer...

                    This shit was rated as the best flick by VSN if my salty memory is correct.

                    Nigga what?


                    • red33
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 5065

                      Originally posted by Rivers17ncsu
                      dude tht movie has me laughing every fucking time i see it


                      • NAHSTE
                        Probably owns the site
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 22233

                        Originally posted by LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                        People are throwing out movies with no rating at all..."
                        Agreed. Which is why I dropped Shawshank on them. No way should it be #1 on the Top 250.


                        • nflman2033
                          George Brett of VSN
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 2393

                          Originally posted by NAHSTE
                          Agreed. Which is why I dropped Shawshank on them. No way should it be #1 on the Top 250.
                          that is because of the set up of how movies are rated on IMDB. Shawshank is a movie that appeals to a wide variety of people, so while it may not be the best movie of all time it is a movie liked by the most amount of demographics.

                          you want to view IMDB, look at The Godfather which used to be #1 is #2 and there is mass amount of audiences that won't watch it due to violence.


                          • Rivers17ncsu
                            Amerson For Thorpe!
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1246

                            Zoolander is the same as Talladega Nights....fucking retarded, it is way better than Talladega Nights though. And every movie posted I think is overrated, not looking for shock value whatsoever.
                            "It's the revenge of the dicks that's nine cocks that cock nines"


                            • Rivers17ncsu
                              Amerson For Thorpe!
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1246

                              "Paranormal Activity 2 broke the record for biggest midnight gross for an R-rated movie with $6.3 million beating previous Watchmen with $4.6 million and broke the record for biggest opening for a horror movie of all time."

                              "It's the revenge of the dicks that's nine cocks that cock nines"


                              • Houston
                                Back home
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 21231

                                Thanks for your patience guys My first movie may cause a stir(mainly a groan from nflman)

                                Rear Window


                                IMDB Top 250 : 22
                                AFI's 100 Movies: 42
                                Nukleopatra's favorite movies #1 (srs?)
                                A Tasty Burger's favorite movies #51
                                Dell's Good, Bad & Ugly Movie Reviews: 10/10



                                Among his most popular films, to me this is the odd one out for Mr. Hitchcock.
                                As far as directing goes, he's known for working around restrictions and getting his point across with the odds against him. Seems like with this one though, he was a little lazy. Just threw in a heat wave to cover things. It can explain the people keeping their windows open, but not how oblivious these characters were, and how unrealistic it all was. If Stewart is gonna blatantly spy on people with his huge window wide open, could he at least turn off the lights at night time?

                                For being a Hitchcock film, this movie was severely lacking in suspense. I think one of the main reasons is because of how easy Stewart has it in this film. He can peak into these peoples apartments with too much ease. Also it's kind of ruined by the fact that he's doing it all day long, I wish there was more of a challenge for him. For example if there was only a small window of time every day that he could do this. Or if he had to take extra steps to be more secretive about it. It's hard to feel any suspense when the main character is relaxing on cruise control....literally with his feet up.

                                What puzzles me most is how people can consider this a top tier film of his, some even saying it's his best. When you look at movies like Pyscho and Vertigo, they're layered with multiples themes, plot twist, and complex characters. And not just those two, I'd also include North by Northwest, Notorious(my personal favorite) and Dial M for Murder even. Rear Window is plain compared to these films. Characters come on screen, and they leave. Nothing really changes or stands out, and there's not too much under the surface.
                                Before you start to say that I missed key points of this film, trust me I didn't. For example the fact that the people he was spying on mirrored what him and his girlfriend were going through. Makes sense, it's just not that entertaining.

                                Redeemable factor: Grace Kelly. On top of her game in this, completely saves the movie.

