I'm sick of seeing this shit on my Facebook feed by assholes who were never alive when this band was together, Not saying you can enjoy a past generations music but FFS I'm sick of this shit.
Whats up with all the Beatles nuthugging?
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It's a song that's amazing to listen to while high on marijuana, and even better to listen to while on mushrooms.Comment
Good effort, good job.Comment
I feel ya. Why do people listen to Mozart? Dude's been dead for hundreds of years.Comment
I won't hate on what the Beatles did but my intro to them was rather anti-climatic. I was told for years how they "were the greatest band of all time. They were amazing . ZOMG You need to listen to them!"...when I finally did I came away very underwhelmed. I appreciate what they did from a historical stand point but I'm not a huge fan of their music. If anything I like their earlier stuff much better. Sgt Peppers is kind of my tipping point for liking their catalog. I love parts of Sgt Peppers but can't stand others. Any album after that...I could do with out.Comment