Hey Marquette, Indiana's invited you to a party on their campus.
The NCAA Tournament Thread
Uhhh, I grew up near Syracuse. Know a few who went there. I was watching Sherman Douglas throw alley hoops to Stevie Thompson while you were probably beating off to cute boys in Tiger Beat magazine.
Know how FGCU was a 15 this year that made it to the sweet sixteen? Know who the first 15 seed was to ever win a tourney game? I do, because it was painful........Richmond in 1991 against Syracuse. Billy Owens last game.Comment
Uhhh, I grew up near Syracuse. Know a few who went there. I was watching Sherman Douglas throw alley hoops to Stevie Thompson while you were probably beating off to cute boys in Tiger Beat magazine.
Know how FGCU was a 15 this year that made it to the sweet sixteen? Know who the first 15 seed was to ever win a tourney game? I do, because it was painful........Richmond in 1991 against Syracuse. Billy Owens last game.Comment
I think that's up to Louisville. I'm sure he will continue to get some kind of scholarship or tuition assistance but I doubt he keeps an athletic scholarship if he can't return to the court. Very sad and very disturbing injury.Comment
TST Coach Jewrman Plague: Arizona Cardinals 7-7
R.I.P. JewComment
There obviously wasn't enough camera footage to judge fairly... But shouldn't there have been a giant pool of blood. How does a bone that important in such a heavily trafficked area for blood end up with such a 'clean' break.
Medically it's confusing.Best reason to have a license.
God bless the kid for how he is handling it. Wish him well. It was just a freak break, the stars aligned at the wrong angle, speed, weight distribution. Usually these breaks only happen by extreme opposing forces (think Joe Theismann being hit, or a car hitting a pedestrian)Comment