Unless ray Lewis plans on stabbing more people, I call bullshit,
Ray Lewis: Crime will rise without the NFL
I don't see why there wouldn't be an increase. It might not be causal but there are definitely correlations between available diversions and crime. When there's other shit to do, there will be less knuckleheads out there doing hood rat shit with their friends. -
Or, the crime rate may drop if you figure in all the arrests made on Sundays at football stadiums from tailgating/drunk/unruly fans in and around the stadiums. It is possible.
Edit- I wouldn't put too much thought into what Ray Ray says unless it has something to do with Defense.Comment
If Ray Rays theory is correct, that the NFL stops crime, then why do we have any crime at all, I mean with the NFL Network. That's 24/7.
OR is he talking about his dumbass thug unemployed football buddies? Which would indicate that the only thing keeping NFL players out of prison is the NFL.
So why wouldn't these idiots just NOT talk during this lockout?Comment
Ray Lewis is my favorite player in the NFL, but he clearly has an inflated sense of self worth and of the significance of the NFL. I can see what he’s trying to say, but it makes little sense. Obviously, there are groups of people who if there was no NFL wouldn’t have much to do, but to assume they’d just resort to crime is sort of a ridiculous stance.Comment
I think he's still stuck in old spice commercials. He's assuming without the NFL players "evil" will takeover and theyll turn into giant birds and ravage there home towns while stadium workers will start spontaneously exploding...only thing that can prevent this apocalypse scenario is for Smith to allow him to speak at the meetings.
That said I love Ray Lewis. I can see why teammates thrive off his intensity and friends randomly stab folks.Best reason to have a license.
There was a study just done where domestic violent crimes against women increase during football season, men getting so mad when there teams lose they beat there wife, so its a wash I guessLiquidrob's Top 10 Fighters Rankings
The 10 Fighters Who Changed The Game
What could possibly go wrong with having over a 1000 unemployed, testosterone filled black men on the streets?Comment