Deadspin - Al Davis "All-Time-Asshole"

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  • Villain
    • May 2011
    • 7768

    Deadspin - Al Davis "All-Time-Asshole"

    From their NFL roundtable:

    From: Jeremy Stahl
    To: Brian Burke, Tom Scocca

    How are we supposed to react when a legendary figure who was also kind of a jerk dies? When Al Davis, the Raiders owner and de-facto general manager/supreme generalissimo, passed away at 82 on Saturday this was the question that sports reporters, NFL officials, Davis's laundry list of discarded coaches, and even some of his friends were forced to ask themselves. Similarly to what happened earlier in the week when a giant of America's other great modern industry died, the typical response was to gloss over the unfortunate bits, of which with Davis there were many.

    A major part of Davis's mixed legacy is certainly the loyalty he showed to his players, his role in shaping the modern passing game and forging the NFL-AFL merger, and especially what he did to open up the sport to minorities and women at times when much of the league and the country were still bogged down by the racism and sexism of fading eras. But the other half of his legacy is far less pretty. This is a man who was constantly at war with the league and various other self-made enemies, who broke the hearts of two different NFL fanbases by moving his team twice, and who turned a franchise that he had once made into the league's proudest back into a laughingstock.

    In life Davis was rightly seen by the media as devious, vindictive, mercenary, and "the crown prince of paranoia," all just fancier words for asshole.

    Having gone to the other side on the Day of Atonement, Davis has apparently been exculpated of his sins entirely. His negative traits have either been softened or simply disappeared. The words that keep getting batted around now to describe Davis are "controversial,"; "rebel," "maverick," "passionate," and "complex."

    There were some excellent accounts of the true nature of his complexity (see Bill Plaschke's obituary in the LA Times) in the print media. But the television networks, which I guess were bound to produce superficial coverage, for the most part ignored one of the most important aspects of Davis's legacy: his assholery.

    The official tribute film produced by the NFL Network repeatedly mentioned a standard trope that "Davis was impossible to define" and used his famous motto as an excuse to absolve him of his complexities. "Though a complex man, his motivation was perfectly simple," the film declared. "Just win, baby." In truth, Davis's motives were not always to just win. Oftentimes they were to just screw with people. He did everything he could to make Pete Rozelle's existence a living hell after Rozelle outmaneuvered him to become the NFL's first post-merger commissioner. He benched Marcus Allen for two years over a contract vendetta, nearly ruining a Hall of Fame career. And there's the mortifying way he fired Lane Kiffin, leading San Jose Mercury columnist Ann Killion to conclude that he had once and for all "disclosed his own dark, vindictive soul."

    On the Fox pre-game canonization, both Howie Long and Michael Strahan lamented that "this generation" hadn't gotten to know the real Al Davis, while at the same time glossing over many of the real unpleasant things that he did throughout his career. Even the people to whom he caused the most harm and feuded with the most found a way to skirt the issue of Davis's charming roguishness, as Rozelle one famously described his confrontational personality. From Allen to ESPN's Chris Mortenson (whom Davis had called a professional liar) to Lane Kiffin himself, one and all proclaimed how important Davis was to the game without broaching the other reason he was important.

    What the memorializers don't understand is that it was his negative qualities nearly as much as his positive ones that allowed him to achieve such great things for his Raiders and for the league. By discussing how integral he was to bringing about the merger-one that he was opposed to and one that was ultimately concluded behind his back-without mentioning that this was because he was ruthlessly (and sometimes vengefully) helping to raid the NFL's top talent as AFL commissioner, pundits are downplaying the part of his personality that allowed him to become such an important figure and also the part that he is most famous for. Specifically, the asshole part.

    Like most great assholes, Davis was largely self-aware and even proud of himself. "The words ‘cunning,' ‘shrewd,' and ‘devious' don't have a bad connotation to me," he is quoted as having said in Peter Richmond's Badasses: The Legend of Snake, Foo, Dr. Death, and John Madden's Oakland Raiders. "Look at the history of people in positions of leadership. They've said of every one of my time that he's devious-from Roosevelt and Churchill to Eisenhower, Kissinger, and Mao." Just look at the last two to see the sort of company Davis openly put himself in.

    So, Tom, I guess my question is this: if Davis was happy to embrace his darker side then shouldn't we be as well? Or is pointing out the assholedom of the recently deceased unnecessary and over the line even if it's both true and crucial to that man's great legacy?

    Also, I heard there were some pretty decent football games played this weekend? Any thoughts on those?
  • Senser81
    VSN Poster of the Year
    • Feb 2009
    • 12804

    Terrible article.

    Lane Kiffin has proven to be a clown. An even bigger asshole than Al Davis.

    And Davis didn't bench Marcus Allen out of spite. Look at the facts. After a great 1985 season (in which he was perhaps overused), Allen and the Raiders took a nosedive in 1986. Allen's production fell off a cliff, and he had extreme fumbling problems. In 1987, Davis brought in Bo Jackson to spilt time with Allen. If you compare Jackson to Allen side by side, you'll see that Jackson CLEARLY outperformed Allen.

    Davis' feud with Rozelle didn't become bitter until Rozelle blocked Davis from moving to LA. As the courts would later rule, Rozelle was out of line and Davis moved to LA.


    • NAHSTE
      Probably owns the site
      • Feb 2009
      • 22233

      Once I saw the words "excellent" and "Bill Plaschke" in the same sentence, I stopped reading. Sorry.


      • Warner2BruceTD
        2011 Poster Of The Year
        • Mar 2009
        • 26142

        I guess Stahl likes to beat up on the dead. Did he really expect Long & Strahan to rip Davis to shreds less than 24 hours after he died (especially on what isn't exactly a bastion of higher journalism, a goofy NFL pregame show)?


        • dave
          Go the fuck outside
          • Oct 2008
          • 15492

          Picking on a fresh carcass just isn't classy. Al Davis was far from a perfect football figure, but you can't ignore his contributions or longevity.
          That said, the Raiders are going to go forward now. Here's hoping the team is sold to a credible owner.
          I suspect those guys in L.A. are gonna want to get on the horn with Davis' son (assuming he gets the team).
          My Twitch video link:

          Twitch archived games link:


          • Warner2BruceTD
            2011 Poster Of The Year
            • Mar 2009
            • 26142

            What were all of these supposedly heinous acts that Davis committed over the years?

            I can buy that he was brash, outspoken, etc. I don't see the rest.


            • NAHSTE
              Probably owns the site
              • Feb 2009
              • 22233

              Strange how this guy writes all this, as if it weren't already customary to sugarcoat someone's life in an obit. Of course we focus on the positive things someone did after they die. That's the point.


              • Blade
                Walking SAM site
                • Feb 2009
                • 3739

                When the hell did Platschke become an excellent writer?

                My only observation of Davis is the fact that he did some craptacular drafting and FA signings in his later years, especially after the Rich Gannon Led team went to the Super Bowl. I am too young to remember/know anything before the 90s about this guy, but I thought overall he was a slick Owner/GM.


                • Senser81
                  VSN Poster of the Year
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 12804

                  I think turning Al Davis' "legacy" to a good vs. evil issue is completely incorrect. Davis' legacy stands on its own success. The Raiders (and the Cowboys) were the most consistently-winning organizations from the mid 1960's to the mid 1980's. Davis succeeding at every role from assistant coach to head coach to GM to team owner to league commissioner is unprecedented in the annals of sport.

                  I think Davis' uniqueness, if not celebrated, should at the very least BE WRITTEN ABOUT. You shouldn't have to delve into Davis' alleged "inner person" to come up with something interesting. Davis' career in the NFL is interesting enough.


                  • Villain
                    • May 2011
                    • 7768

                    Deadspin is really only worth reading for the comments. Most of their posts are "Hey look at us! We're saying shit no one else is saying" as if they are some kind of blog thats "real" and "no bullshit." If you can get past that, then the commenters are usually funny as hell. I don't know how they come up with some of those references they make but it's always fantastic.

                    Deadspin is also worth reading whenever they do a reunion of Fire Joe Morgan. I love how those guys shred shitty sportswriting.


                    • ram29jackson
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 0

                      Originally posted by Senser81
                      Terrible article.

                      Lane Kiffin has proven to be a clown. An even bigger asshole than Al Davis.

                      And Davis didn't bench Marcus Allen out of spite. Look at the facts. After a great 1985 season (in which he was perhaps overused), Allen and the Raiders took a nosedive in 1986. Allen's production fell off a cliff, and he had extreme fumbling problems. In 1987, Davis brought in Bo Jackson to spilt time with Allen. If you compare Jackson to Allen side by side, you'll see that Jackson CLEARLY outperformed Allen.

                      Davis' feud with Rozelle didn't become bitter until Rozelle blocked Davis from moving to LA. As the courts would later rule, Rozelle was out of line and Davis moved to LA.

                      the truth is, Davis became bitter ever since he wasnt given a title or power after the merger, he's been bitter for over 40 years.


                      • Villain
                        • May 2011
                        • 7768

                        Originally posted by ram29jackson
                        the truth is, Davis became bitter ever since he wasnt given a title or power after the merger, he's been bitter for over 40 years.
                        There's no denying that. He was like a real life version of Mr. Burns.

                        Mr Burns as Al Davis

                        I just google'd "Al Davis Mr. Burns" and I guess I wasn't the first person to make the connection.

