Sean Payton Suspended 1 Year, Saints Lose Pair of 2nd Round Picks
Placing monetary value on committing assault within the confines of an NFL game, what's the problem?!
You guys had too see this coming with the way the league treats player safety. Gregg Williams is a creep and should never coach again. Payton & Loomis condoned it, and likely encouraged it in Payton's case, so a year is fair. Personally, I think they got off easy on the picks, bit two 2nd rounders is still a hefty price to pay.Comment
Reportedly, Goodell really laid the hammer down due to the Saints ignoring his warnings and clouding the initial investigation.
The cover up is always worse that the crime.
Well, except maybe in this case, when the crime is pretty disgusting and involves known felons with gambling ties in an NFL lockerroom.Comment