Interesting take on RedZone Channel

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  • Warner2BruceTD
    2011 Poster Of The Year
    • Mar 2009
    • 26141

    Interesting take on RedZone Channel

    Good points on how it changes the way people are watching the games, and how it may ultimately be bad for the long term interest in the league.

    For me the bloom has been off the RedZone rose for a couple of years now.My theory is, if you are watching everything, you're really watching nothing.

    I think RedZone serves two masters:

    -Gamblers/fantasy geeks
    -People without Sunday Ticket who are stuck with Browns vs Rams or Raiders vs Cardinals

    Otherwise, it's not a great way to watch if you intend on really paying attention (I guess a third master can be added - "I don't really give a fuck, I just Zombie Watch this shit because it's Sunday guy". I admit that this is me many weeks).

    I was a Game Mix guy, then I became a RedZone guy, but now i'm a Game Mix guys again. What ends up happening with the Game Mix, is your mind slowly 'eliminates' games one at a time for whatever reason (blowout, boring, teams you dont care about, etc), and you eventually end up putting one or two games on the full screen anyway.

    And as the author notes, Red Zone is absolutely useless during the late games. If you can't handle channel flipping between 2 or 3 games, well, I don't know what to say. Plus, when the game mix breaks down into 4 screens, they are of a very healthy size on any decent sized modern TV.

    One thing I know for certain, is Red Zone makes for dumber fans. Check out the chatbox on a random Sunday. When you are forced to watch a game start to finish, you are forced to have a feel for the game. Red Zone eliminates this. Nobody has a feel for any of the games. All they know is Rodgers threw 3 TD's and Peterson had two long runs. What were the keys to the game? Who knows, all I know is that faggot Voctor Cruz only had 2.50 fantasy points, so he fucking sucks.
  • Warner2BruceTD
    2011 Poster Of The Year
    • Mar 2009
    • 26141

    also, if you think the article is too long to spend the four minutes or so required to read, please note the irony


    • Chrispy
      Needs a hobby
      • Dec 2008
      • 11403

      Sunday ticket is/was a waste of money

      I like the redzone channel

      Instead of having to flipping the channel every two seconds when a commercial comes on.


      • jms493
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2009
        • 11248

        Originally posted by Chrispy
        Sunday ticket is/was a waste of money

        I like the redzone channel

        Instead of having to flipping the channel every two seconds when a commercial comes on.
        free with new subscribers!


        • jms493
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2009
          • 11248

          Originally posted by Warner2BruceTD
          I think RedZone serves two masters:

          -Gamblers/fantasy geeks
          -People without Sunday Ticket who are stuck with Browns vs Rams or Raiders vs Cardinals
          Probably 60%-70% of the people who are interested in football

          Redzone great for 4 pm est games....not so great for 1 pm est games. To much going on.


          • godspeed
            • Mar 2009
            • 1316

            I've been a Game Mix guy since the beginning. The crazy thing about it, they have done zero upgrades or improvements to the game mix. You figure they woud have some better on screen graphics on the top with ball movement or something. I'm assuming they are probably limited to their capabilities since there are 8 smaller screens. Scores and ball possession arrows constantly be wrong on top of They do fix them though.

            Never watched red zone, never will. Pull up game mix on a huge TV and you should be set. Except for the annoying games that get blacked out. I remember a few years ago they pumped up the game mix as a service that never has games blacked out on it. But there must have been a rule change because they have removed them from the mix the last few years.


            • NAHSTE
              Probably owns the site
              • Feb 2009
              • 22233

              I stopped playing fantasy and I don't gamble, so I didn't even include RedZone in my purchase. On a given Sunday, I'll watch the Falcons and then flip between maybe 2-3 others. Once every game is in the 4th quarter is when I'm sure RZ gets pretty awesome though. That's when I start wearing out my Last 4 button.


              • MrBill
                Billy Brewer Sucks Penis
                • Feb 2009
                • 0

                Redzone is on U-verse and many other cable providers, Sunday Ticket is for DirecTV customers only. I'd rather watch every Packers or Saints game in their entirety but that's not always an option for me.


                • Glenbino
                  Jelly and Ice Cream
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 4994

                  Originally posted by Warner2BruceTD

                  Good points on how it changes the way people are watching the games, and how it may ultimately be bad for the long term interest in the league.

                  For me the bloom has been off the RedZone rose for a couple of years now.My theory is, if you are watching everything, you're really watching nothing.

                  I think RedZone serves two masters:

                  -Gamblers/fantasy geeks
                  -People without Sunday Ticket who are stuck with Browns vs Rams or Raiders vs Cardinals

                  Otherwise, it's not a great way to watch if you intend on really paying attention (I guess a third master can be added - "I don't really give a fuck, I just Zombie Watch this shit because it's Sunday guy". I admit that this is me many weeks).

                  I was a Game Mix guy, then I became a RedZone guy, but now i'm a Game Mix guys again. What ends up happening with the Game Mix, is your mind slowly 'eliminates' games one at a time for whatever reason (blowout, boring, teams you dont care about, etc), and you eventually end up putting one or two games on the full screen anyway.

                  And as the author notes, Red Zone is absolutely useless during the late games. If you can't handle channel flipping between 2 or 3 games, well, I don't know what to say. Plus, when the game mix breaks down into 4 screens, they are of a very healthy size on any decent sized modern TV.

                  One thing I know for certain, is Red Zone makes for dumber fans. Check out the chatbox on a random Sunday. When you are forced to watch a game start to finish, you are forced to have a feel for the game. Red Zone eliminates this. Nobody has a feel for any of the games. All they know is Rodgers threw 3 TD's and Peterson had two long runs. What were the keys to the game? Who knows, all I know is that faggot Voctor Cruz only had 2.50 fantasy points, so he fucking sucks.
                  Thanked because of what you said about the chatbox..

                  People rip me in there because when I'm watching the Broncos game I like to comment on just about every play of consequence.

                  I don't underrstand how that's so much worse than the whole CB erupting with exclamations of people's names over and over again because the RZ channel cut to two scoring plays.

                  I have the RZ channel on for the day games until Denver comes on because like Warner said its kind of like white noise to me at this point. I watch Denver start to finish and the two (or three) primetime games.

                  I usually download two or three shortcuts a week from the games that were considered the best of the week to watch on my phone to kill time at work.

                  But if you're just watching red zone Sundays you're really missing out on what makes watching football fun IMO. I love watching a game evolve from start to finish.

                  Plus you would have no idea who the best punters are.. Britton Colquitt is the best punter in the league at pinning opponents and would be a star of Tom Tupa like proportions if it weren't for the red zone channel.

                  Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2


                  • LiquidLarry2GhostWF
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 15428

                    Perhaps the rise in RedZone channel corresponds to how fucking boring and pussified the NFL has gotten?

                    I find it very difficult to sit through an entire NFL game these days. My college football Saturday is filled with real game watching. There are countless options at any given time to find something worth watching. The NFL's current system tied up in regional broadcast makes for an incredibly antiquated national product.

                    Plus, the NFL game is filled with so much "downtime" between commercials and clock stoppage or milking, it is pretty easy to start slotting games to watch "most" of every game going on on even the most busy of weekends.

                    The NFL's broadcasting in its basic form is still structured in the same way it was 30 years ago where fans would get the local team, the "game of the week" and Monday Night Football...fin. It has expanded a little bit...started off with Sunday Ticket, but that shit is monopolized and expensive. RedZone is offered along with NFLNetwork (for most companies, doesn't require an extra cable purchase) and opens up football across the country for everyone.

                    Only way to counteract up broadcasting rights and stagger the scheduling more. Give fans the ability to watch more games, the ones they want to watch, in their entirety, over a more varied broadcast format. The broadcasting rights to the NFL are just old and antiquated and kind of force fans to go for Sunday Ticket...and, why spend the money on Sunday Ticket if you have RedZone Channel for free?


                    • Warner2BruceTD
                      2011 Poster Of The Year
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 26141

                      With the advent of RedZone, i'd be curious to know the percentage of fans who literally never watch a full four quarter game. There has to be a good portion of people who put on RedZone and just leave it on all day.

                      What do you guys think of the NFL embracing the "short attention span fan"? This is either the smartest marketing strategy ever, considering attention spans have shrunk by like 50% since as recently as the 80's and our attentions are being diverted a million different new ways every day, or this is going to be a long term fatal blow, because an entire generation of fans don't really care about the games and are only concerned with short bursts of action and things like fantasy.


                      • Derrville
                        Dallas has no coaching...
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 5321

                        White noise for me as well until the Cowboys play. Watch all the primetime games from start to finish. Even the Thursday games.


                        • NAHSTE
                          Probably owns the site
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 22233

                          I don't get how you guys who say you watch the primetime games can sit through Monday Night Football most weeks.


                          • jms493
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 11248

                            Redzone channel has no fucking commercials!

                            Watch your team's game and then just watch the redzone channel during half time and the rest of the time. Unless there some other really good game one....which is rare.


                            • Houston
                              Back home
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 21229

                              Originally posted by Warner2BruceTD
                              With the advent of RedZone, i'd be curious to know the percentage of fans who literally never watch a full four quarter game.
                              Are you over estimating how many people have Redzone?

                              I watch full Texans games and on average I might watch 5-6 full non-texans/non-playoffs games a year.

