Good article about the recent contract signings.
Good article about the recent contract signings.
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vikings have been signing free agents like this for years now. lots of money upfront in the first couple years and then pennies in the final few.
it hasn't lead to any wins or big fa acquisitions, but it has meant we've stayed out of cap hell every off seasonComment
Nothing new to Redskins fans, but the tactic never paid off for us last decade anyway.
It's not going to happen, because neither the owners nor played benefit, but there needs to be a cap hit regardless of whether or not the money is guaranteed. Too many times, owners are getting out of bad contracts or are able to put together a team for a run on what amounts to one-year deals like Denver. They are working the system for their advantage, and I have no problem with that, but that "loophole" needs to be closed off.Comment