Well done.. well done..
Daniel fuckin Bryan
so no trips?
god I love that theme
Although Striker did call him American Dragon once, mistakenly called him Bryan Danielson at one point and called out for cattle mutilation (even though Dragon has never used it on WWE TV)!
Cole completely dumped over Dragon throughout the match though, so for whatever reason, that shit will continue (hopefully Dragon will punch some sense into that old fuck)!
Miz ended up attacking Dragon from behind and costing him, so they'll go with a Dragon/Miz feud for the US title I presume.
WWE played this off pretty good. They "fired" Danielson, let him go work the indies and brought him back as the 7th man which surprised just about everybody.Comment
Awesome to see him back and nice that they appear to be throwing him into a feud with The Miz.
Fucking dreadful ending though. SuperCena again, not sure why the hell they would do that. They've pretty well killed the Nexus angle.Comment
Weeks ago, this MFer was pulling the same shit that Barrett and the 6 Flunkies were.
Danielson spits on Cena
Had he been allowed to get away with the tie choke (which "officially" should be called a work from now on), dude would have kicked Cena's head in at SummerSlam.
...but if the "E's" writers were smart, they could just have said that Danielson was pissed off that none of his buddies came to his defense or had tried to force Vince to rehire him the day after the tie-choke incident.
Heel work
There's nothing to say that Danielson still wouldn't have the same views as his Nexus counterparts aside from his selfish need to work on an official PPV instead of just plugging along on indie dates.
Too much fantasy booking involved in this to think that "Daniel Bryan" returning should have been infinitely better.Comment
After he was fired, on RAW, Barrett said how Bryan had second thoughts/remorse, so they kicked him out.
The Danielson return was fine. I thought the whole thing was booked incredibly well until SuperCena took a DDT on the concrete then eliminated Wade Barrett in about 10 seconds via STF accomplishing absolutely nothing.Comment
Lol@people still thinking his firing was a work.
The dude got fired, they told him they would bring him back, and that's what they did.Comment