Rangers & Devils Bloody Brawl Starts Game
Im guessing James Harrison is hockeyfan's case that suspensions/fines arent enough of a deterrant to dirty hits.
That would be incorrect. James Harrison has changed his hitting style and many times has pulled up on hits he woulda normally delivered with reckless abandon.
So that example sucks.
Furthermore, even if Harrison said fuck the rules ima hit how i want...his suspensions would increase to the point he wouldnt be in the league anymore.
Suspensions is the best & most effective deterrant to stopping dirty play.
Hockeyfan is still stuck in the barbaric stone age and doesnt realize in civilized sports we have rules to keep the game safe.Comment
What do the two fights specifically mentioned in this thread (line brawl and Grabovski) have to do with injuries anyway? Both fights happened because players were trying to get their team playing better.
I guess what I'm saying is GTFO Zoneblitz because we had this discussion about concussions, injuries, fines and suspensions 3 months ago.Comment
Every time this topic comes up, I just want to beat my head into the wall and hope for a concussion so bad I forgot how to get on here.
It is amazing how you guys only come in here when its about the same fucking pointless shit. I don't see one fucking post from any of you useless twats in any of the other hockey threads, yet up pops a fighting thread and you are here. I don't even think you guys combined could name 5 guys from either team, who the leading scoring is in the NHL, who has the most goals, who is the best goalie, etc. You guys care so much about the other stuff in the game, you should be involved in other topics in this forum, rolling out stats. Of course you are not, and even fucktard Zoneblitz is in this thread and he has never been involved in a hockey thread.All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment
I would not be please if fighting went away. I like it. And more importantly, the players still dont mind it. And I say still dont mind it because they are still doing it.
As for this brawl. I lold. I ate that shit up. They're not punching me....
I dont understand why people care so much?Comment
Kind of funny any time a hockey guy asks a non-hockey guy a question, they reply with a question. Yet when hockey guy is asked a question, he gives an answer and then is told he is wrong.
All you need to know when thinking of the NHL vs Madden series is the two people involved in making the games.
"rammer" and "cummings"
The NHL series is a giver, Madden takes the load.Comment
Does it seriously need to be explained what punching people in the face has to do with injuries?
If so, I somehow overestimated the intelligence in this subforum.Comment
:insertstupidfuckingshitebaseballsmileybecausethat sallwecanchoose:Comment
NFL had discussed getting rid of helmet years ago...or it had at least been some odd talking point by someone. Then again OL blocking=needed for football to function as the fundamental level we understand/play the game.
Fighting in hockey is not needed. If it were people would be freaking ou tbecause fighting is falling off(according to Ravin or leaf forgot which one). But there is no outcry that the game will fall apart or be so fundamentally different it will be unrecognizble...as would be the case with OL/DL not wearing helmets in order to reduce head impacts.
Apples and orangesComment