This PM has not been produced with the intention of bettering my own internet reputation, or that of any others. Rather, I must use the medium of PM communication to portray a message of truth.
I have been banned from accessing the VSN March Madness forums by our totalitarian, large-and-in-charge, fatman dictator, Lord Atlas. Why you ask?
Maybe its because i'm kind of annoying with my relentless trolling, or maybe it was random?
No. I don't think so.
Atlas is highly intimidated. The acquisition of an internet reputation is one of the most highly coveted facets of his otherwise mundane existence. Atlas fears my campaign, and he fears Houston as a better poster.
Atlas was involved in a dramatic voting scandal in the March Madness tournament of 2011. So caught up with the notion of receiving votes and besting his VSN peers, our dictator resorted to improper methods of acquiring votes for the tournament as to send him deeper into the bracket.
The tournament has only begun,