Admission Requirements (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 applicants)
Completion of 26–70 hours of college coursework. For most students, this will require two semesters on the IU Bloomington campus.
Consistent "B" performance across all courses. Please note that a B– does not meet this requirement. The admissions committee reviews grades in all courses, not just business courses.
Graded courses that a student elects to take as Pass/Fail weaken the application. Beginning in Fall 2013, the Kelley Admissions Committee will consider any graded course that is taken Pass/Fail as a grade of B- or lower.
The grade for college level coursework completed in high school or prior to matriculation at IU Bloomington will be factored into a student's application review. However, the most important grades will be those taken at IU Bloomington.
Demonstrate commitment to course load. Students with no W's in coursework have stronger applications.
Course requirements:
Complete one course on the IU Bloomington campus from each of the following areas:
Business Analysis (BUS-A 201, BUS-A 202, BUS-L 201, ECON-E 201, ECON-E 202, BUS-K 201, or BUS-X 201)
Mathematics (MATH-M 118*, MATH-M 119* or ECON-E 370*)
Communication (BUS-C 104, BUS-C 204 or ENG-W 131*)
Complete one additional course on the IU Bloomington campus in any of the areas above, for a total of four Kelley admissions courses.
Some international students will test into Second Language Studies courses (SLST) for the purpose of English language improvement. Students must complete these courses before their application to Kelley will be reviewed.