In the end, was it a terrible call? Perhaps. I was more angered at the fact that they threw the flag, ANNOUNCED it, and then without explanation, took it away. Even after that, Dez should have been flagged for being on the field without his helmet, but what's done is done.
Lions only scored 3 points in the 2nd half; can't do that and expect to win a playoff game. Caldwell being safe in that situation and punting was iffy, but at the time I thought it was a good call. Now obviously, if I would have known Martin would shank the punt rather than put it within the 20 as he so often does (whoever called for Martin to be cut is crazy by the way; the guy is one of the top 3 punters the past 2 years, check the stats), then I would have rather gambled for the 1st.
I know as a lifelong Lions fan we've had more than our fair share of pain, but I thought it was hilariously ridiculous seeing some Lions fans calling for Caldwell to be fired after the game last night. Don't even need to explain why that's a joke.