I don't think Shanahan is a racist, so I apologize if it comes across that way.
But I do think McNabb was a future HOFer before he was traded to Washington.
I will always have McNabb's back, he was a great Eagle and gets way more criticism than he deserves. And you can't tell me John Beck is a better QB than McNabb. Shanahan was simply threw McNabb under a bus which helped Shanahan get away with a lousy season.
And Haynesworth, while obviously a jerk, had a point. Why switch to a 3-4 when you just paid $41 million to a 4-3 DT? It made no sense. A smart coach would have done his utmost to tailor a system to his best player, you can be damn sure Belichick will do it in New England.
Shanahan's whole tenure in Washington has been a disaster.