After a LOT of work (seen here, I finally have the CPU drafting an NCAA imported team realistically!
Here are my steps.
Controlling all 32 teams. I set everything to CPU, because I don't want to micromanage.
Before the draft, I make note of any team that has a "Future Star" at QB.
Go into coaching strategies. Set the kicker and punter priorities for each team to 0.
Set the QB priority for any team with a future star to 0.
All other priorities were left at 100 (THIS IS IMPORTANT).
It took me less than ten minutes to do all of this.
Results: Punter Drew Butler...projected to go third overall...WAS NOT DRAFTED. Likewise, the Bengals (who have a future star QB) skipped all the QBs at the top of the list and used their first pick on a safety. Realistic picks across the board. No punters were drafted at all, and only one kicker was taken, in the 7th round. Carolina took a wide receiver with their first pick. Teams that needed a QB took one, teams that didn't didn't. One safety who was projected in the top ten dipped to 17th. A halfback projected for the first round dropped to the 2nd. Two guys projected for the second round went in the first.
VERY happy with the results. For those interested in the full first round's results, click the link above. It's on the last page.
Hope this helps everyone finally start to enjoy imported draft classes!
1) Do I have to control all 32 teams? Yes. Controlling even just 31 teams WILL result in a punter being taken in the 1st round. You can set all options to CPU, and you can certainly be hands-off during the draft itself, but you must control all 32 teams so you can change their priorities, as listed above.
2) Can I tweak this formula? I want my QB at 50, my HB at 70, and my DT at -32. You are certainly welcome to try. However, this formula is posted here for a reason: It actually works. Many, including myself, have attempted other formulas. They have ALL resulted in a punter being taken in the first round...even when the punter priority was zero.
3) Can I play the season as 1 team, then switch to 32 teams during the offseason, make the drafting priority changes, and switch back to my 1 team? In theory? Yes. In reality? No. There is a serious bug where attempting to do this results in a game-breaking bug when you access the NYG's coaching strategy screen.