lol Apex that TJ Whosyomomma video is garbage. If you put any research into what you do, you wouldn't have made that video. If you don't go to the combine and don't run a 40, more often than not they will take your last recorded 40 time whether it be during college or a timed one from high school. Is it going to be a little off then by the time he's in his 9th season in the NFL? Well yeah, but it's going to be off in the fact that he was faster when he was younger and that's the time he's given. If anything, he got a present.
And if you knew anything about TJ, you would know he's about as fast as Keyshawn Johnson, and with the new speed ratings (an 81 being like an 86 or 87 last year) you would realize that that's pretty much perfect for TJ. It was also funny to hear you say "how's he a top flight receiver in the NFL and he only has 81 speed". That shit was gold because it was complete ignorance yet you sounded so damn confident when you said it.
I'm not a huge Madden fan. Thought 09 was horrible, 08 was horrible, 07 on next gen sucked, and the last good Madden was 07 on PS2, but no Madden imo has ever beaten 2k5. I still think you nitpick on one too many things. You also need to learn how to enunciate words and how to deliver your videos better. I get sick and tired of watching your vids and seeing you waste 30 seconds zooming in on some guys jersey to tell us his name, then you go back and repeat everything you've said in the last minute leading up to that. No one is going to take you seriously and the only people on your jock are going to be people like dabadguy who wish Ian Cummings' testicles would get chopped off and burned in a fire pit.