I noticed they have a new dive over the top of the pile dive animation when you use the precision modifier button. If you TAP, the modifier button by itself, the ball carrier will stutter step, pretty cool to see. Also noticed if you are being tackled and on your way down, if you hold the precision modifier button your ball carrier will spring forward for 2 or 3 or more yards while falling. It is like they would do a last second spring forward animation. Few times I even broke out a group tackle doing this. Come in handy on 3rd downs when you about to come up short. Just hold that modifier button down and you will automatically gain 2 or 3 more yard.
I did notice that the game intro is different between day games and night games. Night games have a way better intro of live team footage.
Dive from behind tackle is pretty damn annoying just like it is in NCAA 14. I had many a long TD run taken away because a 280 pound defensive lineman can dive 5 yards into my ball carriers feet and trip them up. EA need to change this. At least make it stumble recovery POSSIBLE situation and not an AUTOMATIC your player going down situation.
Makes no sense on zero speed threshold for that to be happening. And it always seem to happen when there is nothing but wide open space to run, you think wow, this is so wide open I will surely score a long TD run because nobody is on this side of the field accept 1 DB and he is being blocked by the WR. But nope, defensive lineman dives out of no where and brings you down. Then you left saying WTF did he come from ? He was way over there 5 yards away, how did he dive that far and catch up to me like that from a damn stand still when I was running full speed ?
Finally I noticed WRs can break tackles like power backs in this game. One precision stiff arm and they are gone. I sort of like it though, adds a layer of unpredictability knowing they can turn a 6 yard pass to a 80 yard TD if you don't send an extra defender over there to help tackle. Small RBs can do this as well on screens. They will bust free if you aren't careful.
Over all the game is a much more improved version of NCAA 14. I'm not buying the same game twice though, so I will just wait for the next gen version of it. Once Grand Theft Auto 5 come out in September, that is all I will be playing for 2 months anyway. So yeah I can hold out until the middle of November. By then they should have 2 or 3 patches out to fix all the little quirks with this game.
I noticed they got rid of 4 sliders:
pass rush, run reaction, block shed and break tackle.