A Special Kind of Cat
There are spoilers about AC3 and previous AC titles. If you don't want them spoiled, don't read.
There are spoilers about AC3 and previous AC titles. If you don't want them spoiled, don't read.
So what's next for the series? Obviously the Assassin's have a new problem now, and that's Juno. So where does the story go from here? With Desmond sacrificing himself, obviously there's going to be a new present day Assassin, but who? Are we going to get AC4 next or is it going to be some sort of half-sequel? Will Desmond return kind of like Subject 16 did? Are the Assassin's and Templars going to somewhat unite to try and destroy Juno? I mean, for a little while in AC3, Connor flirted with the idea of trying to unite the two sides, so maybe that will be explored again. What kind of ancestor character would you like to see? We've had some pretty different ones so far. One of the big draws to this series is the old time periods that they use with the Animus, so that will most certainly return. Another big thing is what time period are they going to use for the new main character's ancestors? What time period would you love to see?
Also, anything else you want to see in the future or discuss about the series, do so.