im gonna have to pick Rainbow Six Vegas. there are few others i could pick, but for me it was more than just playing a shooter online with friends. i was a sports gamer who rarely ever played anything outside the sports genre. Chodite sold me on buying this game and i ran through the SP never touching MP. but then i decided i would take a stab at online shooter action
i wasnt very good, but that changed pretty fast. we had such a blast with full rooms of MM guys waiting for someone to drop so they could get a spot. nobody wanted to leave cause you knew you would lose your place in the room. every night we were posting thread about playing....we would do pistols only, C4 only, sniper only....that fucking cutthroat aka quietstorm would own my ass in pistols only...i could blast everyone else on killhouse and that mfer would always own me...prick!
then came the countdown glitch, the rubber band glitch or rank whoring on dantes casino with the thunt....omg, we would spend hours just wasting away over and over playing thunt to rank up....chefriley and me were in a race to see who could get to elite.....i know jms, kingoffootball, crimsonghost and many others who are still around used to play that shit all the time.....we were all rank whores.
then one day when i was the rank just before elite i came across a glitch that allowed you to use the gamertag of some one else who was elite to automatically get you up to elite....i did it first and then gave it to riley to while i did beat him to elite, we both cheated to get there.
after 4 months of the entire MM world beating the shit of this game, ubisoft finally announced new maps would be coming about 2 months then the excitement and joy had worn off and people went off to whatever other game they were playing......many games followed that didnt live up to vegas 1....some came real close.....but nothing has equaled the level of fun that Rainbow Six Vegas gave to me and had the nightly following like this game did back on MM