This times a million.
Season 2 was such a perfect setup for a 3rd season, but instead they got the plug pulled and all we get is a freakin' comic book series for the rest.
Your million times 5 million.
I miss Hawkins =-(.
The CBS folks really fucked up with there mid season hiatus. BADLY.
That show was on the verge of becoming a huge hit.
Oddly the midseason writing is where Jericho lost some viewers...same thing happened to S2 of my other choice.
Decent first season with crappy start but an amazing last few episodes. Some of the scenes in the last few episodes were fantastic ,better than anything in 3 or salvation and on par with much of 1,2.
Second season of Terminator did what Jericho did in S1. Focused on the wrong people and went away from the action for too long a stretch.
Jericho on that 'who gives a shit relationship' with Skeets brother and his wife , and T:SCC with WAY too much Sarah.
Both shows got back on track but it was too late.
Jerichos second season was AMAZING but came almost a year later and only the diehards really tuned in.
T:SCC got sabatoged and rating plummeted after a move to Fridays. Someone at FOX really has it out for the sci fi guys because they get inexplicably moved to dead end slots while god awful shows get pushed endlessly.
Anyways geek rant over...
< 3 seasons. Anything more and the show has had its chance. If its in syndication chances are you have picked the wrong show.
((Star Trek is a great example of an exception)).