I do enjoy it but IMDB is about as important as using critics to base whether or not a movie will be good.
Is Boondock Saints:
A.) Entertaining: Check
It's a good movie, because all action movies need are entertaining action scenes.
Hmmm, can't say imdb is as important as critics. At the very least, even if they have an agenda or are movie snobs, most critics will give you an idea if a movie is the type of film you would like, whether they did or not. Imdb does give you a solid idea of what most movie-goers think but even they have agendas. People go on there & rate movies they haven't seen or automatically grade it low because of what type of movie it is or who's in it. At least with critics you know that they've at least watched it and if they're biased in any way, its pretty hard to hide in a review.
BTW, the worst thing that I know of, or at least heard of, was the imdb users campaign to make
The Dark Knight #1 on the site's top 250 of all time. This not only included a massive number of people giving it a 10, which I have no problem with, but it also included most of those same people simultaneously giving
The Godfather a 1 to drop its average. This is largely believed to be the reason
GF has dropped from its perch at the top.
Just my $.02 on that.
FUCK YOU SON. I fucking hate people who judge a movie by it "acting". What about the "acting" was terrible. That shit sounds fucking stupid and straight up gay. Dumb fucks who are so turned off by the "acting", like these fuckers even know how to "act", refuse to see the amazing story being told. It's like you don't go see a movie for the acting. You go to see a story shown through moving pictures. If the "acting" at least tell the story efficiently and entertains then the movie has done its job. It's like people who only go see movies that the critics say were good. You know what, FUCK THE CRITICS, how about you go make a judgment for yourself and stop conforming like a nazi. Fuck that shit just irks me and it amazes the hell out of me when people make fucking special ed statements like that.
Even in an action movie, actors need to be at least believable and not wooden (stiff or sounding like they're reading) or at least have some sort of star power that excuses a lack of skill in some areas.
Personally, I didn't think the leads were THAT bad in the first and I actually though Willem Dafoe was fantastically over the top. Overall, I liked the first one, not loved it. It was okay. Hated the ending.
All that said, the point I'm really getting at is acting does make a difference whether you like to think so or not. Back in the day, Michael Mann directed something called
L.A. Takedown. He would later remake it as
Heat, one of the greatest movies of all time, imho. There is a scene in
Heat in which Pacino & DeNiro meet and chat over a cup of coffee. Of course,
L.A. Takedown had a nearly identical scene. Watch them both. If you can honestly say that neither is more believable, enjoyable or better done than the other then okay, congratz, you really do pay no attention to anything other than gunfights and explosions. However, I think you'll see a marked difference.
L.A. Takedown