Today's DLC update to Borderlands 2 included a little something extra: hints at the first major expansion for Gearbox's shooter. PS3 players can download a title update and see brand new trophies for the game's upcoming add-on, entitled Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty.
Three achievements are attached to this DLC. Gadabout (Bronze) has you discovering "all named locations in Oasis and the surrounding Pirate's Booty areas," suggesting the upcoming add-on introduces a brand new area for players to romp through.
The other trophies discovered by include Treasure Hunter (Gold) and Completionist (Silver).
Eagle-eyed fans on Gearbox's official forums have also uncovered some mentions to the forthcoming pirate adventure in the PC version's source files. For example, here's how the prologue introduces this add-on:
Legends speak of Captain Blade's Lost Treasure of the Sands. Of a prize so great, that men would turn the sands red in pursuit of it. Of a pirate queen, courageous and deadly, who would stop at nothing to find it. Of a monstrous Leviathan. Of the Vault Hunters who journeyed to the desert town of Oasis, not knowing the horrors that would befall them.
It appears the DLC will introduce a new head for each class, a new rarity level, and new items, weapons, and bosses. Expect much more on this expansion once Gearbox actually announces it.