One map and many squashed sandworms later, I come to Captain Scarlett's home, a giant-sized skiff that is not unlike Jabba the Hutt's own sail barge from Return of the Jedi. After clearing out some pirate rabble, the Captain invites you onboard for a sitdown. After the expected intro video -- which, in this case, explicitly warns you that you're going to be stabbed in the back -- Scarlett lays out the exposition that sets the DLC's main story in motion.
Apparently, there's a great treasure hidden away somewhere in Pandora's sandy wastes. A magical compass is able to point the way, only said compass has been broken into four pieces. Scarlett has one of those pieces and she wants you to recover the others. Her reasoning? You're not her, which means that if you fail in your mission, she'll live on. Of course, the potential reward of locating a long-lost hidden treasure is probably all the convincing you'll really need to take on the task.
The first of the three compass pieces that you need to recover is in the hands of Sandman, the leader of a local gang of bandits. Off you go then to Hayter's Folly, where you fight through a series of caverns and wooden walkways until you reach the midget bandit leader and his hulking lackey. It's typical Borderlands all the way, though you'll find a whole new assortment of pirate-themed bandit enemies, everything from Buccaneers to Pirate Ninjas, as you proceed.
Even in just an hour-plus hands-on session, it's clear that Captain Scarlett amounts to a hefty chunk of content, roughly 10-15 hours worth according to Gearbox. There are multiple exit points even on the first Oasis map, and lots of ground to explore between them. Just glancing at the mission list, I see a lengthy list of "undiscovered" quests to pick up. Moxxi's arena this is not.