First up, he's uncovered what he believes is the DLC's official blurb, which refers to a new swamp/jungle continent called Aegrus. It reads, "Danger! Excitement! Mustaches! It's time for another episode of Vault Hunter Adventures, featuring Sir Hammerlock! In this week's tale, our hard-boiled heroes travel to the savage continent of Aegrus! Their goal? To uncover the most exotic creatures Pandora has to offer, and give 'em the old one-two!"
Each class will also reportedly get a new skin and head, while a new vehicle called the fanboat will also be added replete with 68 skins and corrosive, incendiary, and shock weapon mods. 12 side missions and 5 longer main story missions will be included as part of the package, as well as a new raid boss (supposedly a Stalker the size of a small building)
seraph items and enemies. Sir Hammerlock himself will be providing monster-tracking side missions, while "a self-important but not-so-well-known new enemy" will also play a key role.