If you normally attend games and stop because your team signed Vick that is a form of protest (ie withholding your money).
Wrong. It's not a form of protest. It's not a protest. It's not a protest against the team or even against MV. I have no beef with the team or any team that signs him. I just don't want to see MV, in person, wearing my teams uniform. It's that simple. I'm not mad at the team for signing him. I just don't want to go their and see it. It has NOTHING to do with protesting. I'm not intentionally trying to withhold my money from supporting the team. I'm no trying to teach them a lesson. I have no problem with others buying tickets. I just don't want to go to the stadium and see MV on the sidelines or in the game playing for my team. It's that simple.
It applies, because if you are so morally just to refuse to attend games and support the team because of Vick then do not support the team when they are being successful with Vick.
I do support the team. I can support the team and still not go to the stadium. I still want them to win. I'll cheer for the team. I just won't cheer for MV. Absolutely no protesting or anger toward the team at all. I just don't want to go to the stadium and see MV on my team.
Context my friend, context...take the comment within the context of the sentence. You mentioned, "core of ones character," which implies morality. If your morals prevent you from supporting a decision your team made and thus you choose not to attend games (protest) that remember that when the player is gone, because your morals should not change.
Well, torturing and especially taking pleasure in it is a moral issue. I just don't get where you're describing it as "moral high horse". I'm against it. High horse has nothing to do with it. Again, I'm not protesting the team or decision they have made, I just don't want to see him wearing my teams jersey. It would be difficult enough to watch it on TV. I definitely don't want to see it in person. It's as simple as that.
That contradicts your comment of, "I wouldn't go to Lambeau for a game while he was with the team." If you choose not to attend games then your, "beef is with the team." So, which is it?
I have not contradicted anything. My beef is not with the team. I don't want to see MV on my team. It all has to do with MV, not my team. Bad enough seeing it on TV, I definitely don't want to see it in person. I'm fine with the team/organization.
Again, I don't have a problem with a fan choosing voice their opinion or having the right to not cheer for him. No one ever said a fan couldn't voice their opinion or had to cheer for him. However, the point is don't be over emotional and say things that you won't follow through on. Don't say, "I will no longer support the team" and than when the team is successful you're buying tickets and cheering for the team (and Vick).
You seem to have a problem with me not wanting to see MV on my team. It's not over emotional. I'm not being emotional about it. I don't hate the guy, but I STRONGLY dislike him. I don't want to see him on my team. I especially don't want to see it in person. And I never said I don't support my team (w/ or w/o MV). I do support the team. I'm not withholding money from the team in any kind/form of protest. I'm not trying to teach the team a lesson. I just don't want to see MV on my team, especially in person/going to the game. I don't want to see it. I have no desire to buy tickets and go to any games and see him on the team, no matter how successful or unsuccessful the team is.
And this has nothing to do with after MV is gone from the team. I don't know where you are going with saying I should be against the team after MV leaves. Doesn't make any sense to me that I should have a problem with the team after MV leaves, when I don't have a problem with them now.
Again, I'm saying that fans have a right to not want MV on their team and have a right to voice that opinion. They have a right to not go to games because they don't want to see MV. Nothing wrong w/ that.