other than seeing what we see from national media, idk much about the broncos. But i think firing josh was a huge mistake. he made a mistake with the hillis trade, but he obviously didnt feel hillis was the answer and thought his RB was gonna be good this year. NOBODY could have guessed that the #3 guy at Arkansas would be what he turned out to be for cleveland....so imo, he gets a pass on that.
the other moves he made and what he is trying to do is all about building the belechick style of TEAM. just like Mangini is doing in cleveland. The difference being that what mangini is doing is showing very good results (despite the record)
it takes time to get rid of the trash and add the guys u need. 1.5 years is not gonna make a difference and is the broncos owner didnt want to wait for it to happen, then its his own fault he hired mcdanials.
there is talk of mangini being fired this year for dumping all the talent and not winning....but the fact is that he is getting bad players to play as part of the team concept. its the same concept that made belechick a legend....and the same concept that took him a few years to make.
Remember, he got lucky with brady when bledsoe went down. Prior to that he went into that year on the hot seat himself. imagine the pats if they had denvers patient level