Post in this thread with your gamertag to go on the list for the VSN BlackOps Clan for 360. We are like FOOT except better.
We are still thinking about tag names. Gabe and I both like the name BNES (Bones) but please post your ideas.
Featured in our clan will be legends such as West, Rush, Leftwich, Atlas, and BonesMahoney.
West- westerado95
Rush- rush vsn
Leftwich- leftwich vsn
Atlas- AtlasDoesVoodoo
buck- wakaflokaflav
cpollack09- chrispy009
Primetime232- Prim3time232
Colonel Angus- Ratty Ratzlaff
Grif- Grif Got Swag
theMINI- KiNgFrOmHeLl